Win High School Elections
Hey, winning high school elections sounds like fun! But remember, it takes a lot of courage, charm, and good old-fashioned American ingenuity! Still sounds like fun? Great! Then let's get started on your campaign!
Campaign Help
Doc:Student Council Platforms,Campaign Slogans,Campaign Advice
Sample Campaign Materials
Doc:Student Council Campaign Poster,High School President Speech,High School Treasurer Speech
Winning the Election
- Be sure you know if you want to do this for the right reasons. Is it just to be popular? So you'll impress adults? You need to know for sure if you really want to help your school be the very best it can be.
- Dress well and neatly. No one wants the future school president to be walking around in dirty, stained, or ripped clothes!
- Make merchandise. Try posters, pencils, pins, even candy that expresses your good qualities! Also, work on a creative, catchy slogan!
- Interact with all kinds of students. Remember their names and their interests, and encourage them towards their hopes and dreams! Be sure to charm the teachers, too! They're the ones counting YOUR VOTES!
- Work on your campaign promises! When you do Step 4, ask students what they want to make a better school. Don't just take the suggestions of the popular people, but students in general. And follow your heart, too!
- Be sure you're in the right crowd. If you are in a trouble-making group, people will be hesitant to vote for you.
- Look at the politicians of today and yesterday. What made them so admirable? Use their wit and philosophy to be the best student body president you can be!
- Volunteering helps people get in touch with the real world. It shows that you care!
- Don't be a fake! People can see through the Vaseline!
- Don't let this go to your head! Just because you win this election doesn't mean you'll win the national one!
- If you don't win, still try to befriend the winner, so they can give you their tips and tricks for next time!
Related Articles
- Win Votes in a School Election
- Win a Student Council Election
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