Win at Battleship
Battleship is a simple game, but because you cannot see your opponent’s pieces, winning can be difficult. Although some random firing is required to make your first hit, you can use a strategic method of firing as well to increase your chances of winning. You can also increase your chances of winning by placing ships in ways that are more likely to evade your opponent.
Maximizing Hits
- Fire at the center of the board. Statistically, you are more likely to hit a ship if you aim for the center of the board, so start there.
- The four by four squares in the middle of the board are likely to contain a carrier ship or battleship.
- Use parity to up your chances. Imagine the board as a checkerboard, where half the squares are dark and half are light. Each ship covers at least two squares, meaning every ship must touch a dark square. Therefore, if you fire randomly at only even squares or only odd squares, you will minimize the number of turns you need to hit every ship.
- Once you have a hit, you will cease firing randomly and commence targeting the ship in question.
- To keep track of the light and dark squares, look at your own board and imagine that the diagonal line of squares from the top left corner to the bottom right corner is dark. Imagine the squares from the to right corner to the bottom left corner are light. You can count out from there to ensure each square you're targeting is the right color.
- Move away when you have two misses in the same segment. If you strike out twice when firing, try firing into a different segment of the board. The chances that you just missed a ship are lower than the chances that you missed by a wide margin.
Targeting Hit Ships
- Reduce target area after you make a hit. After you make your first hit, you will need to reduce your target area to the spaces surrounding the space that was a hit. Since ships in Battleship range from 2-5 spaces long, it may take you several turns to sink the ship you have hit.
- Fire around the area of your hit. Begin by striking above, below, or to one side of the space you have hit to discover and hit more of the ship. If one of your strikes is a miss, try the area on the opposite side of the space that was a hit. Keep striking until you have taken your opponent’s battleship. You will know when you have taken your opponent’s ship because players are required to announce when a ship has been sunk.
- Repeat method to hit more of your opponent’s ships. After you have sunk the first of your opponent’s ships, you will need to resume firing randomly (or in the center of the board) to find another ship. Then repeat the process of firing around the hit space until you have sunk another ship. Playing the game this way will reduce the amount of turns that it takes to sink all of your opponent’s battleships and it will also increase your chances of winning the game.
Placing Your Own Ships for Minimal Damage
- Space ships out so that they do not touch. If your battleships are touching, there is a chance that your opponent may sink two ships back to back. To reduce your opponent’s chances of finding a second battleship after hitting one, some players suggest spacing your battleships out so that they do not touch. Try to keep one or two spaces between each of your battleships to reduce the chances of your opponent finding one of your battleships.
- Try placing ships so that they touch, but do not overlap. Even though having your battleships right next to each other is seen as a weakness by some players, other players see this as a potential strategy. By placing two ships so that they are touching, but not overlapping, you may be able to confuse your opponent about the type of ship they have just sunk.
- Keep in mind that placing ships close together can work in your favor, but it can also be a risky strategy since it may lead to your opponent discovering one or more of your other ships.
- Pay attention to your opponent’s moves. If you play with the same opponent often, another way that you can improve your chances of winning is to place ships where your opponent seldom strikes. Keep a mental record of the spaces your opponent strikes most often and avoid these zones.
- For example, does your opponent tend to start their strikes on the right side of the board, to the center or in the lower left corner? Identify your opponent’s most common strike areas and avoid placing your ships in these zones.
- Vary your attacking strategy by changing the starting square each time. For example, start with A-3, then B-4, C-5, etc.
- Once you have found your opponents smallest ships expand the checkerboard pattern to shoot at locations where only a larger ship could be located. Don't shoot at a place only a two-hole ship would fit if they have no two-hole ships.
- People often aim for the center in Battleship. Try to avoid placing your ships here.
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