Work when You Have PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often results from experiencing a traumatic event. The condition develops when you continue to relive the feelings that came with the event, long after it is over. When you do, you may experience fear, anxiety, and panic attacks. Finding and maintaining a job is often difficult for Treat PTSD as certain triggers can bring on overwhelming feelings. Making a living for yourself with PTSD is possible, however, when you learn how to function with the condition, take care of yourself, and get the support you need.


Functioning with PTSD

  1. Find the right job. Finding a job when you have PTSD is often difficult. It might be helpful to make a list of some qualities you desire in a job to guide your search. Examples of good jobs for people with PTSD may include those that require minimal interaction with others, such as landscaping, pet-sitting, or cleaning/maintenance.[1]
    • However, there may be resources available in your area to help you find a suitable job. For example, you can get in touch with your mental health case worker to inquire about finding a job that won't aggravate your condition. Such professionals are aware of your unique needs and can guide your job search. It may also help to ask your doctor or therapist for recommendations.
  2. Become familiar with your triggers. You have a greater likelihood of succeeding at work with PTSD when you are familiar with your triggers and symptoms. Knowing them can help you avoid certain situations or leave the environment to prevent your symptoms from worsening.[2]
    • For instance, you may have found that loud noise cause an episode for you. With this information in mind, you might choose a job in a more quiet environment, such as a library or office.
    • Many people with PTSD choose not to disclose information about their condition to others. However, if you have a trusted friend at work, it may help to inform this person so that you have support on hand.
  3. Learn how to take action during your attacks. Take a walk or remove yourself from the situation if you feel your panic level starts to rise. Getting some exercise and walking away from what upset you may be what it takes to manage your symptoms.
    • This may require you to speak with your boss about your condition. You will have to tell them you’ll need to get away for a few moments or do what you need if your PTSD bothers you.[3]
  4. Stay away from drugs and alcohol. Victims of PTSD commonly turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to self-medicate and cope with their feelings. Unfortunately, this addiction will only make things worse. It will even make getting and then keeping a job difficult.
    • Talk to your doctor if you are struggling with substance abuse. They may be able to find you help. You may also get assistance through your church or a drug treatment and rehabilitation center.[4]

Supporting Your Health and Well-Being

  1. Continue seeing your therapist. Working potentially exposes you to a variety of triggers. Seeing your therapist on a regular basis can help to keep your anxiety and symptoms at bay. Your therapist can also give you ideas as to what to do when you may feel a panic attack coming on.
    • Working also puts extra stress on you, which can exacerbate your symptoms. Continuing to see your therapist can be the calm and support you need to keep your PTSD under control.[4]
  2. Take your medication. Keeping track of your medication is a must, particularly when your schedule becomes busy. You may be more prone to forgetting since you have a lot going on with work. However, your symptoms could return or become even worse if you forget to take it.
    • Set timers throughout the day to remind yourself to take your medication. You can also ask friends or relatives to call or otherwise remind you.[5]
  3. Live a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle doesn’t cure PTSD, but it does make you feel better. Getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising can lower your stress and anxiety levels. Having an overall lower level of stress can make handling your work responsibilities easier.
    • Reducing or eliminating your caffeine can help calm your anxiety. Steer clear of nicotine, as well, which can also increase your anxiety levels.[3]
  4. Relax. People with PTSD are already under enough pressure. Their stress levels can sky rocket when work is added to that. Finding a way to relax and balance yourself is imperative.
    • Meditating, practicing yoga, massage, or deep breathing can help you keep calm. Practice your chosen method daily to keep your anxiety down and symptoms under control.[5]

Finding Support

  1. Lean on your friends and family members. Confiding in those you love about your struggles may help you get through them. They may also offer you advice on how to cope with working while having PTSD.
    • Talking to them could be particularly helpful if they also suffer from PTSD. They may have endured the experience with you, and can offer support. They may also know someone who also has the condition and can give you advice from them.[5]
  2. Connect with others who have PTSD. You may be able to find other people who are suffering from PTSD on the Internet. You may find a chat room made just for people who are coping with PTSD while working. You can likely find support and advice with them.[6]
  3. Join a support group. Sometimes the best way to deal with a challenge is to speak with those who share it with you. Joining a support group provides you with a way to express your feelings and challenges with those who understand. Many who participate may also have jobs and can give you advice on how to manage your condition with working.
    • Ask your therapist for support groups in your area. Attend a support group online if you want to stay anonymous.[3]

Sources and Citations