Write Super Fast During Zoom Class
Template:AccuracyTemplate:TitleEver been the last person to finish your work? Now, there is online school. Zoom sessions can only last for 40 minutes, free. So teachers only have a limited time to teach. When you're working during the session, you will have to write fast. This article will teach you how!
- To prepare have a pencil, pen, and an eraser on hand. Your teacher will tell you what utensils to have, but if they don't. Have the utensils listed above, nearby.
- Listen to what your teacher is telling you. When she or he tells you to begin, start right away. If you were talking to someone, stop the talk and get to work.
- Tell yourself something like this:"When I finish this I can sit back and relax", Even if it's not true, just repeat it to yourself. Go to the Zoom Ratio and put it to 200. Then you can move around, So you can see your work closer. This only works on Screen Share.<ref>
Setting A Reward
- Try setting a reward. It's basically your Goal. If you finish your work you get a reward. Choose what you want as your reward. Food is a very common one.<ref>
Be Focused
- Listen to what your teacher is telling you. When she or he tells you to begin, start right away. If you were talking to someone, stop the talk and get to work.
When Finished
- When you are finished, Go get your reward and eat it, or drink it, or use it. Either way. Just Enjoy It!<ref>