Write a Conclusion
Your conclusion is your last chance to make an impression on your reader.
This is why conclusions are so important. Your goal isn’t to introduce any new information, but you don’t want to simply repeat everything you’ve already said either. Learning how to craft a clever and engaging conclusion is simple and easy!Contents
Template and Sample Conclusion
Doc:Conclusion Template,Conclusion for History Paper
Writing a Conclusion for an Academic Paper
- Write an opening sentence for your conclusion. Remember, you aren’t trying to include new evidence on your main idea. Avoid writing things like “In conclusion,” or “To conclude,” while these phrases work nicely in oral presentations, your reader can see that they are near the end of your paper and doesn't need you to tell them.
- Try using a phrase that draws strength from your evidence and examples, like, “The evidence above shows that..” or “Ultimately..”
- Restate your thesis, argument, or main idea. Remember, this is your last chance to reach your reader. Bring your essay full circle and hit your main point one last time.
- Avoid restating your thesis word-for-word. Your reader may have already read your thesis more than once, and doesn’t need to see the exact same phrase another time. Reword your thesis in a new and creative way.
- Summarize your strongest points. Your conclusion isn’t meant to just be a condensed version of your paper, but you do want to drive your points home.
- For the reasons mentioned, (your thesis).
- Because of (evidence you mentioned earlier), it is clear that (your thesis).
- As one can see, the above examples (list examples here) demonstrate that (your thesis).
Remember that your reader has already gotten this information, so you don’t need to bore them by repeating exactly what you wrote before in a shorter version. Instead try writing things like:
- Leave the reader with a lasting impression. Take the time to ask the reader a provocative question that keeps your paper on their mind well after they have finished reading it. You have made your point, now you need to tell your reader why they should care about what you have expressed. You can achieve this in several ways:
- Call from some kind of action. If you are writing a paper about how difficult it is to get into a four year university, suggest a way for the reader to fight for your cause.
- End with a warning. If you are writing a paper about pollution, give an estimate on the effects of continued pollution in the coming years.
- Evoke an image. If you are writing a literary paper about a novel you’ve been assigned for class, end your paper with a reference to a scene in the book that was significant and paint a picture with sensory details.
- Universalize. Compare your argument or your main idea to something your reader can relate to. Strive to make a connection.
- Suggest results. Express what changes would occur if your ideas were supported.
- Include a quote. If you are writing a literary paper, choose a powerful quote from your text that supports your thesis. If your paper is not literary, choose a powerful quote from any source that you can relate to your topic.
Writing a Conclusion for a Cover Letter
- Start your conclusion by reiterating your interest. Your interest in the position that is available is essentially your thesis statement. Your cover letter is a tool for selling yourself, and your conclusion should leave your prospective employer with a sense that you are determined and professional. Say things like:
- I look forward to speaking with you regarding a position at your company / (name of the company).
- I am eager to talk with you about contributions I can make to your company.
- I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how I can be a vital member of your team.
- Keep the body of your conclusion short and sweet. Cover letters generally shouldn’t exceed one page in length so keep your conclusion short (2 or 3 sentences). Be direct with the little space you have and ask for an interview. Say things like:
- If you would like to schedule an interview or otherwise discuss my interest in this position, please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time.
- I will call you in a few days to discuss an interview.
- If you have any questions regarding my application, please contact me at any time.
- End your conclusion with salutations and contact information. Take the time to express how thankful you are for your prospective employer taking the time to read your cover letter. Say things like:
- I look forward to hearing from you.
- Thank you for your time and consideration.
- Your consideration is greatly appreciated.
- Read your paper aloud. This can help you find grammatical errors, or instances of repetition.
- Dont over think it. Don't let your conclusion turn into a whole other paper. Remember, this is your chance to say goodbye to your reader and leave them with something to think about.