Write a Creative Writing Story

Everyone at some point has read a story involving a prince, princess, or some kind of mythical creature. Now since you are here you are probably wondering how to create some of the magic of those stories. Well follow these steps and you will be well on your way to fighting your dragons with the help of a magic sword.


  1. Decide what sort of creative story you're aiming to write. It can mean anything from realistic to super fiction. So the first step is to choose what your overall theme is for your story: Fairytale, Bravery (of a knight or other person), Romance, Realistic situation in life, Or some other theme just make sure it is broad at this point.
  2. Choose your characters. The best way to do this is to have a separate paper and write their names, what they are (if they aren't human) and what they look like. It is also to determine things like what their personalities are like here too so when you are writing you can think of what they would do. In fact I personally have an "interview" of my character. Create random situations and see how they would react to them.
  3. Determine where to put the characters. Yes it is time for the setting. Do you want them to live in the mountains or in a desolate wood. Maybe they live in a crazy, busy city? It will affect how you write because you will want to describe the places they are and what they will be wearing.
  4. Write the plot. What are these character's purposes? What is going to happen in the story? What are the main events? Think of this like a road-map so on days when you have writers block you can go back to this plot chart and go yeah I will write about that!
  5. Put it all together now and include all the details. Remember the more details the easier it is to picture. Also remember to include tons of chatter between your characters. It is a good idea to have fights and romantic moments between your characters. This makes the story more believable so that people feel like fiction might not be quite so, well fiction.
  6. Go out there and get your magic pen out and write up the next Harry Potter story!

Sample Stories

Doc:Short Love Story,Short Horror Story,Short Literary Story


  • When writers block hits, listen to random music to get ideas.
  • Have friends or family talk to you and incorporate a bit of them in your story, it makes it more personal.
  • Write a bit each day and soon it will be done.


  • Don't write so much that you want to never see your work again.
  • Do not tell others what you are writing about - idea thieves are real.
  • On the other hand keep from putting off writing forever.

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