Write a Persuasive Letter Using Pros and Cons Charts
A persuasive letter can be very hard to write. You have to try to persuade someone to buy or do something. If you want to persuade someone to do something then follow these steps. What is a persuasive letter? Well, it's a letter that you write to convince someone to agree with your side of an argument. This article will teach you how to write a convincing persuasive letter to anyone you want.
Persuasive Letter Help
Doc:Brainstorm for Persuasive Letter,Pros and Cons Chart,Persuasive Letter
Writing Your Own Persuasive Letter
- Pick a topic that you would like to write about. Make sure that it has several 'sides', and that you are familiar with it. Do some research to make sure that you are aware of all of the different 'sides' on this topic. Your experiences and how you survived or accomplished it!
- On a piece of paper, brainstorm who your audience will be. Kids? School principal? Parents/ Adults?
- Brainstorm the things about whatever you're writing about that will most appeal to that specific audience.
- Make two identical 2x4 charts(if you can't get that,use other paper). One of these charts is the "Arguments For" chart, and one is the "Arguments Against". In the "Arguments For" chart, fill in the four left boxes with reasons supporting your argument. On the right side, give evidence supporting your reasons. Do the same on the "Arguments Against", except use reasons against your argument.
- Draw out a rough sketch of the layout of your letter. There are two layouts to choose from: a letter where each paragraph is a separate reason supporting and also against your argument; or, one paragraph with supporting reasons and another paragraph with reasons against.
- On the binder paper, set up the order of paragraphs and write a topic sentence for your letter. The topic sentence does not have to be great. You can simply state your argument. (i.e. Marine animals should not be captured for scientific studies.) This is a good way to start if you want to get straight to the point.
- Write your letter using a computer because it is easier to edit it that way. Don't constantly go back and edit; just write the whole letter, print it out, and then mark it up!
- Read & re-read. Realize that you may have to edit it many times before it is perfect. When it is as good as you can get it, look up the address of the person/people you're sending it to, then send it to them!
- Try to include quotes in your letter. Letting whoever you're writing to know that other people are supporting you will make them want to do what everyone else is doing. This is called a bandwagon technique. Also try using words like "most people", "the average person", or "people all around the world".
- Write about something that you're passionate about. It's difficult to write a convincing letter about something you don't care about.
- A great way to persuade someone is by telling them one of your experiences and how you survived or accomplished it.
- Try not to make your letter more than 2 typed pages, that keeps it nice and brief.
- Do not fill your letter with numbers and poll results. Try saying, "About three people died every day since January 2006", instead of, "About 120 people died since January 2006."
- Do some research before you come up with reasons supporting your arguments. Sometimes there are more arguments on your side than you had heard of. Do research on the web, at a library, or museums.
- Ask friends or family members to read your letter and give you feedback. Their input will be more valuable than you expected.
- When stating the arguments against, try to come up with a solution to them; or find information that proves those arguments wrong. If you can't easily solve arguments against, use words like "minor problems" or "easily fixed" when describing them.
- Do not threaten anyone in your letter or yell at the person you are presenting your letter to.
- Do not use slang language
- Don't use an angry tone in the letter.
- Be respectful of the person you are writing to. You obviously are trying to be persuasive and you'll need their help to get what you'd like. Be respectful
- Don't swear or use vulgar language in your letter.
- Do not be overconfident or sound arrogant.
- Do not lecture or be overly redundant.
- Try to make the person you are sending the letter to be on your side.
- Be polite using words like please and thank you.
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