Write a Pitch Letter

Pitch letters are an important aspect of getting interviews and having news articles written about your product or company. Editors and producers receive piles of pitch letters every day, so you need to learn how to write a pitch letter that will make you stand out from the others, increasing your chances of getting asked for more information.


  1. Understand the purpose of a pitch letter. Pitch letters are letters written to producers and editors, asking them to interview you or another individual for their show or news article. These letters are meant to pique their interest enough to ask for more information. Offering a fresh story or an unusual angle to a current trend will better the chances of your pitch being accepted.
  2. Target the appropriate media. Take the time to research the publications and media that are best suited for your subject. It is important to find the right fit before sending your pitch letter. Otherwise, you may be sending a good letter to the wrong publication or media outlet, which is a waste of time for all concerned.
    • Explore potential media outlets. Familiarize yourself with the type of issues they cover and who they typically interview. Determine which one is the best fit for you.
    • Show how this interview or article connects with their company and audience. If it is a local media outlet, tie it to your community. If it is a national publication, connect it with a recent nationwide trend or interest.
    • Find the appropriate individual to whom you should direct your pitch letter. Addressing your letter to a specific person increases the chances of having your letter read as well as having someone follow up with you.
    • Spell his or her name correctly. Also include the appropriate title. Making mistakes in these two areas hurts your credibility and decreases your chances of being asked for more information.
  3. Pay attention to suggested format and style. Though format can vary a bit, the basic structure of a pitch letter remains the same.
    • Limit your pitch to 1 page with {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} margins. Keep your letter concise and to the point.
    • Watch your words. Be direct instead of elaborate. Do not say that they "must" interview you; instead, invite them to take advantage of an upcoming opportunity.
    • Use your company letterhead. If you do not have letterhead, be sure to send a well-designed letter that looks professional and clean.
  4. Include the right information. Not providing the appropriate information will quickly send your pitch letter to the trash pile.
    • Grab their attention at the beginning of your pitch. Producers and editors receive hundreds of pitch letters every week. Your letter needs to begin with a strong hook that will grab their attention and entice them to keep reading.
    • List the basic details. This includes the "who, what, where, when, and why" of your event or company. Do not make them hunt for this information.
    • Leave your contact information in the last paragraph. Include your website, if appropriate. Do this even if it is listed on your letterhead. Make it easy for the producer or editor to follow up with you.


  • Time your pitch letter aptly. For example, if your community newspaper publishes an article about an issue of debate or interest, mail your pitch letter immediately. This increases your chances of being asked for an interview.


  • Be cautious in calling the producer or editor as a follow-up. Remember, they get hundreds of pitch letters every week. If they are interested in your story, they will contact you.

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