Write a Song with Good Emotion

Wanting to write a song full of emotion but stumped as to how to express it.? Do you get frustrated trying to think of a topic? Read this guide to improve your songwriting.


  1. Think of all the topics.
  2. Emotion rocks! Anger, frustration, peppiness all that stuff, write about it.
  3. Past experiences. Sing about good,bad,sad,or silly experiences. Talk about broken hearts, world peace, a first crush/love, anything you can think of!
  4. Political or social frustration. That's good to let it out.
  5. Whenever you are angry think about singing. If you can't think of lyrics, don't write. It will only get you more angry.
  6. When you create an instrumental or get one off the internet, it is an art form as is any art, and you must find the emotion in it. You have to find what the instrumental is trying to say before you can decide what you have to say. If you fall into the instrumental and live there the song will write itself.


  • Have a pen and notebook in a good place for good ideas of songs.
  • Have an extremely great memory inspiration may present itself at any time.
  • Have a tune that fits. If you're writing a happy song, you don't want a depressing piano tune.


  • Avoid writing when the lyrics don't come easily or you'll end up frustrated. Instead, write what comes naturally to you.

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