Write a Wrestling Resume

If you want to become a professional wrestler, you will need to contact wrestling federations and obtain matches. Like other "jobs", this is done using a resume. A wrestling resume is unique to the sport, so read on to learn how to create you own.


  1. List your biographical information. Include your current wrestling name, your real name, height and weight, hometown and current contact information.
  2. List historical information, such as any wrestling names you used in the past. Include the date and location of your debut.
  3. Describe your training. List your trainers' names, and locations. Mention your fighting style.
  4. List promotions/associations you have wrestled for. Like other resumes, put these in reverse chronological order, with the most recent first.
  5. Describe championships you have won, or titles you have held. Include your opponents' names and the date won, as well as the date lost.
  6. Include 2 or 3 references. These may be trainers, contacts for associations you have previously worked for, or notable opponents.
  7. Attach a promotional picture of yourself. In the event an association uses you, this picture can be used in their promotional documentation.