Write an Interesting Story

As writers, we all want to draw readers in by writing and creating interesting stories. We want them to "ooh" and "ahh" on how amazing our stories are. Read this article to learn how to achieve this goal.


Sample Stories

Doc:Short Horror Story,Short Literary Story,Short Love Story

Writing Your Own Story

  1. Pick a plot that you thought of and decide if it interests you or not. Or you could pick a common topic that's regularly associated with the public, like "mean" cliques in middle school or a "Cinderella" like story, and add a twist to it. Just make sure that people will not be annoyed by that. Another method that works is to pick a few key words of the theme your story will be and write them down. For example, a few words of the theme of your story could be "scary", "horror", and "terrifying". It's basically the mood of your story, the theme of it and what "feeling" it sets off to your readers.
  2. Know the age group for your story. If you want to base your story towards younger people, write about youthful topics. If your age group is based towards older people, it is better to write about more mature topics. Don't write about callow topics if you're basing your story towards older people. However, keep in mind, some older people do like younger story topics.
  3. Create the characters. Make sure the characters relate to your story and try to mix it up a little. Like you could have a bizarre character be in a professional business. You can write a whole profile for your characters, or you could just keep it simple by just writing their name, age, and maybe a small description. Give them a unique name. Give them an unexpected personality. Just don't overdo it or readers will be confused.
  4. Start to create your story. This plot could be anything, from talking zebras to upwards gravity, anything. Make it interesting and unique. Make up a topic that was never used before. That may sound hard, but it's really not. Pick a random scene with a unique topic and plot. It's really important to make sure it interests you.
  5. Type your story or write it.

Getting Inspired

  1. Write from experience. Write about something that means something to you; there's no point writing about something you have never experienced or know nothing about. Make it relatable to you; after all, a good story comes from the heart.
  2. Keep paper handy. Always keep a notepad and write words/phrases that inspire you.
  3. Bring the characters to life. Give the characters interesting characteristics and make them relatable to you. They could be a person you know or a person you have imagined.
  4. Give the characters depth. Have the characters change, just like people do in real life. As the story unwinds put the characters in different situations that shows a different side to them.
  5. Make it unique. Don't go for the same plot and ending. Be unique make your story end in an unpredictable way.


  • A persons' opinion is not everything, so don't give up or scrap your idea if you get a let-down once in a while. Keep working on your story. You never know, someone out of the blue might love it and be related to a popular book publisher, and you could get it published! So just keep your head held high and never give up!
  • Give your story a title that makes people curious to read the whole book.
  • Make sure you have an interesting introduction that will get readers wanting to read further.
  • Make sure you enjoy writing and you're dedicated to writing your story. Without commitment to and passion for your writing, your story may never reach its full potential.
  • Write from your heart. Go back and revise after a family or friend has read it.
  • Cussing in your story should try to be avoided. Many people find that repetitive and uninviting, so try to avoid it.
  • Once you write your introductory chapter, have your friends, family, or online reviewers read your story and have them give their opinion of it. Ask them if they find it interesting. If they say yes, you're off to a good start. But if they say no, don't scrap your story idea and topic, just tweak it a little. Or you could leave it how it is, and not care what the person thinks. Just do whatever you think is right.
  • Try not to put any mature themes for younger people.
  • Characters are at the heart of every book. Make sure your readers care about your characters.


  • Don't plagiarize or copy another one's idea or story.
  • If you feel it is forceful work and you don't enjoy writing your story, don't do it. Only do it if you really want to and you enjoy writing.
  • Don't use overused, clichéd topics. If you do, add an effective twist to it.

Things You'll Need

  • A computer or a notebook.
  • Something to write with, like a pen or a pencil.

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