Write an Objective Resume

Job seekers need to have a resume or curriculum vitae tailored for each type of position for which they apply. There are resumes that focus on a candidate's education or experience, while other resumes are crafted with the applicant's objectives in mind. It's not difficult to write an objective resume that represents your career goals.


  1. Gather the details of your education and past employment.
    • While places and dates are important, you will especially want to note the duties that you performed and your accomplishments.
  2. Craft your objective statement.
    • Avoid nonspecific terms, industry jargon and meaningless buzz words.
    • Even though you will be talking about your personal objective, be sure to state how your goal will benefit the company that hires you. For instance, you can say: "Accounts receivable management position requiring excellent communication skills and deft negotiation."
    • The objective statement should answer a potential employer's question of "Why would this candidate be right for the job I need to fill?"
    • The objective statement should be tailored specifically for each job application.
  3. Decide which to list first: your education or your experience.
    • Recent college graduates with little or no job history should list the education section first.
    • List your experience first if you have held at least 1 position in an industry or field similar to that of your target position.
  4. Identify your accomplishments and make them relative to your objective statement.
    • For instance, do not simply list job duties like "Managed receivables." Instead, state a tangible result of your employment such as "Lowered past-due receivables by 25 percent."
    • Tie your accomplishments from each position to your objective statement by using them to answer the question, "How did I achieve this objective in my last job?"
    • If your only employment history is in an unrelated field or volunteer work, you can still pull from your accomplishments to demonstrate that you are capable of the position to which you are applying.
  5. Consider using a "Career Highlights," "Skills and Accomplishments" or "Professional Accomplishments" section in the form of a summary.
    • This would be listed before the job history and would contain those items normally located under the relevant position in your "Employment" section.
    • The "Employment" section would then include the bare minimum of details such as job title, employer and dates.
  6. Scrap the "References available upon request" statement from your objective resume.
    • There is no reason to have this sentence taking up space on your resume.
    • You should always include references that o prospective employers can contact. Create a separate page of references listing their names, contact information and, perhaps, a brief statement that they have made about you.


  • Keep your objective resume and cover letter professional. Convert attachments to PDF before sending and never include emoticons or Internet lingo in an email.


  • Never send out an objective resume that has typographical, spelling, grammar or factual errors. For many employers, this is an automatic disqualification.
  • Do not use unusual and distracting fonts.

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