Achieve the First Rank in Your Class

To achieve the best doesn't come naturally and most certainly not without hard work! The only way to be the best is to study hard and learn the tricks of the teachers.


  1. Get Your Homework Done and Hand It in on Time. This goes without saying, if you want to become the top of the class then you need to make sure that you are organized. Also homework tasks are always set for a reason which may mean that if you don't do your homework, you might suffer during the final exam.
  2. Use your time wisely. Becoming top of the class is going to take time and if you are extremely sporty/musical and have lots of other clubs which occupy you, then you will have to work extra hard to keep on top. So keep a Use a Day Planner so you know when all your homework is due.
  3. Practice and enrich your learning. If you are studying a book in English, read it! So then you will have the upper hand over the rest of the class. Little things like this really make a difference to your grades.
    • Read the content that will be taught before class and revise anything taught in missed classes, this can help you to catch up in the class.
  4. Find out the course you are on for each subject. This is so you can buy the related textbooks which are specific to your course. This will help make sure that you spend your time studying the right topics and not wasting your time on notes that you will never be tested on!
  5. Study the specifications. These may look complicated at first, but after a while they will become your bible. These notes tell you exactly what you need to know for the exam. So you can use them as a checklist while revising.
  6. Revise for Tests, Quizzes and Exams. Start revising well ahead of the exam to make sure all the information sinks in properly, give yourself time to carefully work through all the topics in your course.
  7. Keep calm during the test: Take deep breaths and let all your knowledge flood back into your mind. Take it question by question.
  8. Be active and always participate in class. This way you will enjoy every minute of your class. You will have high grades if you participate in class because you are actively testing your knowledge as you learn. Participating means that you are also paying attention to your teacher and will surely be a great way to achieve the first rank in your class.
  9. Avoid bad influences. These "friends" will become barriers to your education and they can ruin your future.
  10. Befriend your teachers. Never answer back to them and make sure you show them respect. Don't make fun of them and always obey them. By doing this, your teachers might think that you are worthy to be the first in class.
  11. Study hard. Study everything that you want and need to know. Study as best as you can so that you can be ready for unexpected recitations and quizzes.
  12. Write neatly and correctly. This way others can understand your writing and your work will not be marked down.
  13. Turn in Your Work on Time. Do them as early as you can so you can have time to do other important things. However, if you need help on anything, don't be afraid to ask to your teacher or parents or even look on the internet.
  14. Do everything creatively. A creative yet clean piece of work will force your teacher to give you high grades and you can also have the chance for your work to be posted in your school !
  15. Run in elections in your school. It will provide you popularity and extra grades that you will surely love.
  16. Get a Perfect Attendance Record. You do not want to miss important lessons, do you?


  • Always read the note so you can remember forever.
  • Regular study of 3 hours is better than 10 hours of study before exams.
  • Relax once in two hours during study times. It may be listening to music or reading comics. It must be something that relaxes your mind.
  • Always listen to the teacher before talking.
  • Do not develop the habit of reading just for exams, as you will regret it. Read ahead and revise your notes before it starts.
  • Highlight important notes and keep them for revision before your exam.
  • Do not study important subject such as Mathematics by only reading. You should study this subject by revising each sum of Math.
  • Be confident when you enter the exam hall.Be calm and cool and leave the rest to god.
  • Try to take part in every activity that the school organizes.
  • Mathematics in a subject which can not be learned by heart. It is a subject which needs practice daily. So, practice mathematical sums daily to achieve mastery in this subject.
  • If we have to do mathematical sums, just we have to read the sums before sleeping and then we have to sleep. From that, in sleep we will see the solution of the sums in dream. Thomas Edison does the same for mathematical sums.
  • Always answer the best in school discussion.
  • In exam hall during examination read each question twice. It will make you confident about what is demand of question means what the question needs as answer.
  • Always remember homework to do it on time.


  • Never keep your notebooks incomplete.
  • Never have a nervous breakdown due to any wrong answer. It loses your confidence
  • Never misbehave in that way that any student goes and complain teacher.
  • Never misbehave in class as it low downs the impression in front of teacher.
  • Never talk during a lecture.

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