Add Annotations to a YouTube Video

Annotations are used for adding little pop-ups, or speech bubbles to your videos. You can even add links to them too. They come in handy every once in a while for pointing out things in your video for all viewers to see.


  1. Create an account. You must have your own username, so make sure it's one that people will remember.
  2. Make a Video. It's not possible to add annotations without your own video.
  3. Upload it on to YouTube.
  4. Click on your username at the top of the page. Click on "Video Manager"
  5. Find a video that you would like to add an annotation to. Remember, an annotation is a little pop-up that occurs in your video.
  6. Click on the "Annotations" item from the drop-down menu that is displayed next to the video.
  7. Put your mouse over your choice of five boxes which are "Add Speech Bubble", "Add Spotlight","Label", "Title" or "Add Note". Click on any of the five.
  8. Watch your video at that same annotations screen. Whenever you're at the point where you would like to add a pop-up click on one of the boxes.
  9. Type in what you want it to say. You can have it point to something in your video, or just a little note about it. Click "Publish".
  10. Check it to make sure it's right.


  • You can change or delete annotations.
  • Move where your annotation is places by dragging it around.
  • Set them to different times, add one. Look at the timer and set it.


  • Don't add annotations nonstop, as it makes it harder for people to concentrate on the video (especially if you're doing a scary one).

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