Add Multiple Destinations on Google Maps

Planning a long trip? Google Maps allows you to set multiple destinations, creating a route that links all of your stops. You can create a map with multiple destinations for drives, walks, and bike rides. You can create a map with multiple destinations using either the Google Maps website or with the mobile app for iOS and Android.


Using the Mobile App

  1. Update your Google Maps app. Google added the ability to create a trip with multiple destinations to the Android and iOS apps in July 2016. Check for any available Google Maps app updates to ensure that you're using the latest version.[1]
    • Android - Open the Google Play Store. Search for "Google Maps" in the store and select it from the results. Tap "Update" if available. If no update is available, the button will say "Open" instead.
    • iOS - Open the App Store. Tap the "Updates" tab at the bottom of the screen. Tap the "Update" button next to the Google Maps app if an update is available.
  2. Tap the blue Directions button in the lower-right corner. This will start Directions mode, and will prompt you for a starting location and destination.
    • The process for adding multiple destinations is the same for both iOS and Android.
  3. Enter your starting location. By default, Maps will use your device's current location. You can enter any location by tapping the "Your location" entry and then entering a custom one.
    • Tap "Choose on map" to place a pin on the map you want to use as your starting location. Drag and zoom the map underneath the pin to position it.
  4. Tap "Choose destination" and enter your first destination. You can type the address, search for a business or place, or tap "Choose on map." If you tap "Choose on map," you can pan and zoom the map to place a pin for your destination.
  5. Ensure that you have driving or walking selected. Multiple destinations are not supported for transit or rides.
  6. Tap the ⋮ button in the upper-right corner. This button appears after you have entered your starting location and your destination, and a route is showing on the map.
  7. Tap "Add stop." This will add a new line underneath your first destination.
    • If you don't see this option, your device may be too old to support the feature.
  8. Enter in the second destination. You can search for a location or address, or tap "Choose on map" to place a pin.
  9. Continue adding more stops. You can add up to nine destinations. Each time you add a destination, a new "Add stop" line will appear underneath until the limit is reached.[2]

Using the Google Maps Website

  1. Open the Google Maps website on your computer. The Google Maps site allows you to create maps with up to nine additional destinations.
  2. Click the Directions button on the right side of the search box. This will open the sidebar and allow you to enter a starting location and your first destination.
  3. Select your mode of transportation. Use the buttons along the top of the sidebar to select how you will be traveling. You can only set multiple destinations for driving, walking, and cycling. You cannot set multiple destinations for transit or airplanes.[3]
  4. Enter your starting location. You can type an address, a business or landmark, or click a spot on the map. Click the "My location" option at the top of the search results to use your computer's current location. You may be prompted by your browser to allow Google Maps to see your location.
    • You must enter a starting location before you can add multiple destinations.
  5. Enter your first destination. Click the "Choose destination" box and then enter a destination just like you did your starting point.
  6. Click "Directions" if you haven't already. If you started by selecting your destinations first (i.e. by clicking a spot on the map or searching for a destination when you first opened the map), click the round "Directions" button and pick a starting location. You'll need to be in "Directions" mode with both a starting location and a destination before you can add multiple stops.
  7. Click the "+" button below the destination. This will add a new destination line for your second destination.
    • Make sure that you have both a starting location and a destination set, or the "+" will not appear.
    • If you don't see the "+" button, you may need to close "Route options." You may also have the wrong travel method selected, as airplanes and transit do not support multiple destinations.
  8. Add your second destination. After clicking the "+" button, enter in your second destination like you did the first. You'll see your route adjust so that you're taken to your second destination after reaching the first.
  9. Repeat for additional destinations. You can continue to add destinations in this fashion until you've completed your trip. You can only specify a single method of transportation for the entire trip.
    • You can set up to ten total locations, including your starting point. If your trip has more destinations, you may have to create multiple maps for your trip.
  10. Drag the dots next to each destination to reorder them. You can drag and release the dots next to each destination if you need to reorder your trip. The new route will automatically be calculated.
  11. Click the route you want to use. If there are multiple possible routes for your trip, they'll be listed below your destinations, along with the total travel time. Click the route to view the turn-by-turn directions.
    • You cannot send a trip with multiple destinations to your mobile device, so this option will be grayed out.
  12. Click the "Print" button to send the map to your printer. You'll have two options: printing with the map, or printing text directions only.
    • You can also click the Share button and send a link to the map to others via email.

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