Add a Marker in Google Maps

Adding a marker in Google Maps can help you to keep track of frequently searched locations, or places not on the default map. Add a public marker if you're trying to spread word about a business or public place. Save your own marker or create your own map for personal use.


Adding a Public Marker

Google Map Maker

  1. Open Google Map Maker. Visit and sign in to your Google Account.
    • This feature is only available in certain countries. If you cannot reach the site, skip down to the alternate web method or app instructions. If neither option is available in your country yet, you'll have to rely on saving addresses to your personal map, described later in this article.
  2. Add a new place. Click the red Add New button near the top of the page. A small prompt bubble will appear beneath the button.
  3. Enter the name and category. Type in the official name of the location. In the category section, choose a type of place, such as Restaurant or University.
  4. Enter other information. Follow the prompts to add the address, business phone number, or any other information you know.
  5. Submit the place for review. Once you're finished, click Save. Editors in your region will review the marker. If they think it's correct, your contribution will appear on the official Google Maps site.

Using the Web Site

  1. Open the menu. Visit the Google Maps site. Open the menu by clicking the "hamburger icon" (three lines) in the top left.
  2. Use the feedback feature to add a place. Click Send feedback in the menu pane, then Add a missing place.
    • This feature is not available in all countries.
  3. Drag the marker to the correct location. Alternatively, you may type an address into the address bar to move it automatically.
  4. Enter other information. Enter the place name, business phone number, or any other relevant information.
  5. Submit the marker. Click Submit. Once an editor vets your submission, it will be visible to the public.
    • If you are adding your own business, click "Claim this business" to the left of the Submit button.

Using the App

  1. Search for an address. Open the Google Maps app and type in the address.
  2. Tap the address at the bottom of the app. This should open a submenu.
  3. Add the missing place. Select Add a missing place. Follow the prompts to add additional information if desired, then submit the info for review.

Saving a Personal Marker

  1. Open Google Maps. Visit the Google Maps website, or open the Google Maps app on your phone.
  2. Enter an address. Type an address into the Google Maps search bar and click on the Search icon. A marker should appear at that address.
    • If Google Maps doesn't recognize the address, drag the map around to find it. Click (or press and hold) its location (or the nearest street), and a small popup at the base of the screen will show an approximate address. Click that address to make a marker.
  3. Save the location. Click the Save button with the star icon, in the left hand pane. This marks the location with a yellow star, as long as you're signed in to Google.
    • The Google Maps app can also set special locations, such as Home and Work. Visit "Your Places" under settings to get started.
  4. Share the location with others. If you are using the phone app, you can easily send it to other users. Tap on the marker to open a place info card. Swipe up on this card and tap Share.[1]

Making Your Own Map

  1. Create a Google account. If you don't have an account already, click the Sign In button in the top right corner of the Google Maps website. Follow the prompts to create a free Google account.
  2. Open the menu panel. Look for the "hamburger icon" in the top left of Google Maps. (This is a button with three horizontal lines). Click this to open the menu panel.
  3. Click My Maps. Find and click "My Maps" in the second division of the menu. This takes you to a map-sharing tool.
    • For example, you can use this tool to share a map of local attractions to convention attendees, or road trip directions with your friends.
  4. Create a new map. Select "Create New Map" at the bottom of the My Maps page. This will create a new, blank Google Map.
  5. Add markers to your map. The map editing tools are arranged in a row below the search bar. To add a marker, click the pin-shaped icon, then click anywhere on the map. A small popup bubble lets you name and adjust the marker.
    • Experiment with other features as well, such as "Draw a line" for giving route instructions.
    • If you're making a complex map, use the Add Layer button in the left pane. Think of each layer as a category, such as "Restaurants" or "Parks." Click on the name of a layer to select it and start adding markers in that layer.
  6. Name your map. Once you've added all the markers you like, click on "Untitled" in the left pane. Type in a descriptive name. Now you can find this map again by visiting and clicking Open a Map.
    • To share your map via email or social media, click the Share icon in the left pane, next to Add Layer.


  • You will need to be sure you save your map to keep your custom marker after you navigate away.

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Sources and Citations