Add Subtitles to a Movie using iMovie6

Subtitles may be necessary if someone that will watch a movie that you make can't hear or speaks a foreign language. This will tell you how to do it using iMovie 6.


  1. Open the program iMovie 6.
  2. Make sure that your video is finished before you start.
  3. Open your finished movie.
  4. Once opened, make sure you're in timeline view and find each part that you want to change subtitles at and place your cursor there. Go to Edit > Split Video Clip at Playhead.
  5. Now you're ready to choose subtitles. Click Editing > Titles. Then go down the list until you see Subtitles. Click the arrow next to it. You have two options: Stripe Subtitle and Subtitle. They are the same, the only difference is that Stripe Subtitle has a stripe behind the text.
  6. Once you've chosen the type of subtitles, customize the options below the list to what you think would look best. you can choose fonts, colors, sizes, number of lines (the + and -), and if it's over video or over black.
  7. Now you're ready to add them to your video. Click in the first segment of your video that you want subtitles in. Type the text in the right window and then press 'Add'. You now have subtitles in one segment. This process can take a while, you just need patience.
  8. If you mess up, just click the clip where your subtitle is and go to the left bar to edit it again. Click 'Update'.


  • Try doing one every so often to make it easier so that you aren't sitting for hours doing this.

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