Adopt a Kid in the Sims 3

On The Sims 3, sometimes it's just easier to adopt a child rather than have one yourself. This may be because of commitment issues in your Sims, a lack of relationship, because your Sims couple is gay, or just because you're impatient for your Sim to get pregnant and give birth. Adoption is easy and simple, and you'll know how after reading this article!


  1. Locate your Sims cell phone. Every Sim you have/create from the age of a child and up will have their own free cell phone. This can be located when clicking on your Sims and the Cell Phone button or going to your Sims inventory and clicking on the image of a cell phone.
  2. Call for services. This is an option which is given to you on your cell phone. When you click on the option, wait until your Sim finishes talking and then a tab should appear. The tab should have various options from ordering a pizza to calling the police. For this article you will want to choose Adopt a Child which is simple and free.
  3. Fill out the simple form. Here is where you will need to select an age and gender. You can choose from a baby, a toddler and a child. Babies need more care and attention whilst toddlers have some skills in caring for themselves. Children are completely independent.
  4. Set up a room. You'll need to set up a bedroom for the new baby, toddler or child. The bedroom should be fairly big so that you can fit all the necessary furniture inside. For a baby and toddler you'll need a crib for them to sleep in, some toys for their fun, a high chair to feed them in and possibly a potty too. Children only need a bed to sleep in and toys for fun.
  5. Decide on a name. When the baby arrives a Sim will give it to you in a basket whilst a toddler is held and a child will walk into the house on their own. From there you will need to decide on a name for the new family member such as Wendy, Tilly or Penelope. After naming your child you are done. Make sure the new member fits in well!


  • Be sure that you have enough household funds to care for the new family member properly.
  • Take good care of the new family member or it will gain bad grades, bad traits and even possibly taken away from you by a social worker.
  • Your family can only have a maximum of 8 Sims. If you have already reached the maximum you will need to move some Sims out of the house.


  • If you do not take care of the baby it will be taken away by social services and you won't be able to adopt for a long time.

Things You'll Need

  • The Sims 3 base game
  • PC or Mac

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