Adopt the Different Values in Community Projects
Community projects involve organizations that are support groups or community based service organizations.Although the work can sometimes involve you to volunteer, many young and older adults have chosen this as a career field. Support groups are groups of individuals who are dealing with the same kind of challenge in their lives-for example-as a particular situation such as alcoholism,a particular life situation such as Cope With Divorce or a particular life situation such as being lesbian or gay. As you work more with the community projects you will probably learn more about its special history. Be it a paid job or volunteer assistance, there are some basic principles that go hand in hand when dealing with delicate issues concerning other human beings.
- Participate in and observe the work of the organization and group. Many community based organizations complain about poor community participation. Many existing services are under utilized for very much the same reasons why they are required for in the first place. This due to a lack of empowerment amongst those who serve.
- Make each moment a magic moment. The same value applies for other avenues and career choices. Display passion and zest for and strive to make a difference even in small ways. A warm and welcoming smile can make the greatest difference especially to those using the services of your community projects.
- Utilize self determination. This means to promote the ability of children, adults and communities to follow their chosen goals without too much frustration and in joint consideration of other peoples needs. Most often what we think is right for them, may not necessarily work for them.
- Show caring and compassion. One needs to promote the expression of care, empathy and concern for the physical and emotional well being of families and disadvantaged communities, BY THE COMMUNITY. A careless or indifferent attitude, by the way, does not hold you in good stead for any position of this nature.
- Show respect for diversity. You need to promote respect, appreciation and acceptance for diverse social groups and people. This can be done by addressing issues of discrimination such as racism, sexism and ostracizing attitudes. People come in different colors and creeds. These are human beings non the less, with the same genetic and blood type makeup as the rest of us.
- Display participation and collaboration. One has to promote peaceful and respectful processes in which children and adults can have meaningful input into decisions affecting and concerning their lives. An authoritarian and "my way or no other way", attitude will only work against you. In turn you also subdue the helping spirit that others come to expect of you.
- Show support for community structures. Promote important community structures that help attain personal and community goals. In simple terms think not selfishly and only of your own motives and what you can or cannot get from this endeavor.
- Try your best to bring about change.
- Try not to isolate people, even you think they are solely responsible for their plight. Isolation leads to loneliness and vulnerability. this is a common in issue in our society so try not to compound the problem.Isolation also makes people feel powerless.
- When not sure about what to do or how to react, have a little talk with one or two people you trust. this may help release your own doubts and misgivings.
- When in contact with people who have the same experiences you have, makes you realize that most people have common concerns. this enhances unity and in unity lies strength.
- Not all community projects may be willing to hire your services. They may have had bad experience in the past or may be unsure of your motives. do not feel rejected or get angry with them. Just look and try to find something elsewhere.