Answer What Interests You About This Job
When preparing for job interviews, it is important that you consider the types of questions you may be asked. You then have the opportunity to brainstorm your answers ahead of time, so that you are not caught off guard during the interview. One question you may be asked is, "What interests you about this job?" This common job interview question is generally used to gauge your interest in the company and your strengths as a candidate.
Showing Why You Like the Company
- Do your research. Before an interview, you should always take time to research the company. Find out everything you can from the company's website. You can also do an internet news search to see what the company has been up to lately. Don't forget to look at things like the company's mission statement to get an idea about what is valued there.
- Don't forget to read between the lines. Both mission statements and press releases can be intentionally dense. In mission statements, look for keywords, such as "leading," meaning the company is or wants to be the top in the industry, "innovation or innovative," meaning the company values creative new ideas and products, or "targeted," meaning the company focuses the product within the industry. For press releases, look for the positive spin. That is, the company is always looking to put a positive spin on anything going on with the company. For instance, the company "going a new direction" could mean they had a product flop.
- Pay attention to the culture. That is, when you're researching, don't just look at the mission statement. See if you can figure out what kind of culture the place is creating. Maybe they have a relaxed atmosphere that values creativity. Maybe they prefer a strictly professional atmosphere. You need to know about the culture so you can show how you fit in.
- One way to figure out the culture is to look at the social media the company puts out. You may be able to figure out the culture from the way they use language in posts or from pictures they have put up in the past.
- Another way to figure out the company is to visit the company ahead of time. See if you can walk around to get a sense of how they operate.
- For instance, many of the new (and even some of the established) social media tech companies are famous for having a laid-back cultures that push innovation through group work. However, if you're going into say, the banking industry, the culture is likely to be more professional.
- Make notes. While researching, be sure to take some notes. Make an outline of what defines the company, and what's been going on lately. That way, you have something to refer back to as your prepare for the interview.
- Incorporate what you know into your answer. Your interviewer will be impressed you did your research. However, you don't want to just spew out what you know. Use it to praise the company, and show you want to work there.
- For instance, you wouldn't want to just say, "I like that you sell good products." Instead, you should say something such as, "I was excited when I saw this position was with XYZ Products. Your products are innovative, as proven by how much your sales have gone up the last year. Also, I like that you intentionally encourage a culture of creativity, as I think that pushes innovation."
Matching Your Skills With the Job
- Study the job description before the interview. Reading the job description is the best way to prepare interview answers that will speak to the company's needs. That is, the company is telling you exactly what they want from you. You have to show them why you meet those needs perfectly.
- For example, if the job description calls for "time management skills and the ability to think outside of the box" and specifies that you will be expected to work as a team player, then you know that the company may be looking for someone who possesses qualities like organizational skills, punctuality, creativity, inventiveness, communication skills, and cooperativeness.
- Identify characteristics you have that align with the job description. It is important that you choose realistically, as you want to be able to elaborate on your answers during the interview. Use your past experience to back up your claims.
- For example, if you claim to be a creative problem solver, think about positions or situations in the past that show you have been able to solve problems with a creative mind.
- Make sure to provide an anecdote or statistics to back up what you're saying. For instance, if you want to show you solved problems creatively, bring up a specific situation in which you made that happen, such as when you had to redesign the base of a product to make it stand up properly.
- Be sure to write it down. Once again, if you're going to remember what you want to say in your interview, you're going to need to go over your response a few times. Try printing out the job description and making notes on it, so you have it in front of you to review.
- Formulate an answer. Now, when you get in the interview, you must use your past experience to explain both why you're interested in the job and why you'd be a good candidate at the same time. That means that you have to phrase your answer as showing interest in the job while working in your good characteristics.
- Refer to the position you are applying for, along with the characteristics you have chosen to illuminate. For instance, you could say, "I was pleased to find that you were accepting applications for a design expert with creative problem-solving skills because I have the perfect experience for this position. I have worked as a design expert for 10 years, and I have had to solve problems when designs didn't work quite right. However, I always came up with a solution to the problem. For instance, one time I had to come up with a solution for a product that wouldn't stand up correctly and I needed to rebuild the base. My boss was pleased with the final product."
Showing How It Connects With Your Career
- Decide how this job could fit into your career path. For instance, if it's a design position and it's always been your dream to be the head of a design department, think about how those two are connected. Connect what you're doing now with what you want to be doing.
- Show you will be long term. One thing that you want to do with this step is prove that you are in it for the long haul. A manager will not want to hire you if she or he thinks you are going to be leaving in a year. Therefore, show that you plan to be there for awhile.
- However, if you are talking about how you want to advance, make it known that you don't expect to advance for awhile, and you plan to prove yourself and work your way up.
- Put it together. Finally, put together your answer. Talk about how it connects to your career as the conclusion to what you have to say. Keep it concise. You don't want to ramble on too long.
- For instance, you could say, "I've always wanted to manage a small design department, so I would plan on proving myself in this position so that I could advance in the long term."
- Remember this part is just the final portion of your answer. You need all three parts included in this article to make a complete answer.
- Ask a friend to deliver this job interview question in a variety of different wordings, then answer a different way each time. For example, the question, "Why did you apply for this position?" may require a different answer than the question, "What do you like about the job description?" That way, you can practice in a variety of ways.
- Be careful not to focus your answer on financial reasons. If you answer by saying that you were interested in the job because of the pay, your interviewer may think that you are not necessarily interested in the work itself.
- Avoid rehearsing your interview answers word-for-word, as you don't want to sound as though your answers were prepared ahead of time and then memorized.
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