Apply a Triangle Choke from Open Guard in Mixed Martial Arts

The triangle choke is one of the most common and most effective choke holds in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts today. It is a move often done in the sport of Jiu Jitsu to earn points or to win matches. This instructional demonstration will explain how to perform the triangle choke from open guard.


  1. Begin by laying on your back with your legs apart. Your opponent's torso is in between your legs. This is called open guard as his movement is restricted slightly by your legs but not as much as it would be if your legs were wrapped around his torso or in “closed” guard.
    • Now while your opponent is trapped in your guard he will typically be trying to throw punches or elbows into your face to do damage while looking for a way to escape. The key to begin setting up your triangle choke is to grab one of his arms while he is trying to punch you and to deflect it so it moves beside your head instead of hitting it. You also want to try to keep a hold of his arm in the process.
  2. Start positioning yourself. Once your opponent's attack has been deflected and his other arm pushed out of the way you start to position your own body. You do this by using your legs to push your body forward on the ground so your opponents is further away from your head. With some practice you should be able to position your own body at the same time you are protecting yourself from the attack and maneuvering the punches.
  3. Pivot your hips forward. After the previous steps have been completed your opponent should be off balance. You then want to pivot your hips forward to send your opponents body further down yours.
  4. You now want to find a way to maneuver your one leg over the arm of your opponent that was pushed down and away from you thus making it easier when it comes time to sink in the choke.
    • By now you should be in a position where your opponents head is down by your hips. You should also still have a firm hold of their one arm right by your shoulder. At this stage you begin to raise your legs up and over your opponents head.
  5. You want to begin wrapping your one leg around your opponent's head and shoulders always making sure his own arm is trapped in front of his own neck and head while you bring your foot towards your other leg.
  6. You now want to wrap your knee around the ankle of your other foot securing your opponent in place. You can grab your shin to pull the leg across your opponent's back to ease this step, but don't pull on your foot as this can break your ankle.
  7. Using your legs you want to apply as much pressure as you can to the head and neck of your opponent. You will notice that his own arm being forced against the neck restricts the airflow of your opponent. You can use one of your hands to pull down on your own foot to apply even more pressure which tightens the choke.
  8. Hold the choke until your opponent either taps out, or the referee jumps in to stop the fight.


  • You can pull down on your opponent's head to increase the effectiveness of the choke.
  • Make sure your opponent's shoulder is out of the triangle, not in.
  • If everything has been done properly, the triangle choke can be accomplished in a matter of seconds.
  • Isolating the head and shoulder, and with the leg above and across the neck of the opponent, then if you shift your body in the same direction as the leg above the opponent it will be easier to hook your foot under the knee of your opposite leg. In the pictures above the person on the bottom would shift his upper body to the right, allowing his leg to more easily hook under his knee. This is particularly useful if you're not flexible.


  • This demonstration was done by a trained professional in a controlled environment. This is meant for instructional purposes only and should only be attempted by, or under the supervision of professionals or qualified instructors.

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