Defend Against a Bear Hug from Behind

If someone grabs you from behind, there are two likely reasons. One is that they feel like giving you a hug. The second is that they are going to do something terrible. If that is the case, you need to learn how to defend yourself, because they might be trying to hold you while you're hit, smash you into a wall, or even force you into a car.


  1. Make sure your assailant is an enemy. Hurting your friends is a bad idea. Once you realize that your attacker is trying to hurt you, go ahead and fight back.
  2. Drop your weight below your opponent's center of gravity. Do this by entering a squatting position. Once you have accomplished this, it will be much harder to move you around and you will have bought yourself some time.
  3. Figure out whether your arms are free or caught by the bear-hug. If they are not free, go directly to the next step. If they are, skip the next one and read the one after it.
  4. Attack. Do anything to get free. Some suggestions are stomping on the feet and hitting (not grabbing) the groin. Once your arms are slightly loose, hit the opponent with repetitive elbows to anything you can reach. Skip the next two steps.
  5. If your arms are free, stomp the feet and elbow the stomach and the head. Crotch slapping is less effective because of the relative positions of your arms. Chances are, the attacker won't let go. If, however, you are released, skip the next step. If the attacker does not let go, however, then you may go on to the next step. Be careful when doing it, as it will cause extreme pain and lasting damage.
  6. Hit the back of the enemy's hand with the two knuckles you would use to tap a table. The assortment of weak bones in the back of the hand makes this unbearably painful. Now, take the index and middle fingers and pivot as you pull them back unnaturally. They should break. Now kick while shoving the finger back in hard and maintaining your distance.
  7. Don't stop part way. After you have freed yourself, don't stop fighting. Keep Tribal Attack Someone until your opponent is unable to fight back or threaten you in any way. The only thing worse than not defending yourself is defending yourself poorly or half-way.


  • Don't take too long for Step 1. If you are in a situation in which you wouldn't objectively expect it to be a prank, you are within your rights to defend yourself immediately. If anyone thinks it's funny to do this to you in an unlit alley in the middle of the night, too bad for them.
  • Most likely you will know if it's an attacker by your situation and place.
  • Finish the fight.
  • Speed is the most important thing. If you lack it, you will be finished before the fight even starts.
  • Call the police after someone attacks you, no matter what the outcome was.
  • If you can run after breaking free, then do so. It is better to get away alive than to possibly lose a fight. Get as far away as possible, then call the emergency services.


  • Avoid real bear hugs.
  • Be aware of the law; using deadly force is generally permissible only when your life is currently under threat.
  • Don't grab the crotch. It may look painful, but your opponent will bite you, which is even worse.

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