Ask Out a Cute Girl or Boy in Middle School

Middle school is like a jungle, especially when it comes to asking out that boy or girl that you have had your eye on for a while. If you read the first sentence thinking, "Wow, that is like me" then scroll down to see how you can ask out that special someone even though you are in middle school.


  1. Wear something that looks nice. This is definitely an important step because you do not want to go up to that cute boy or girl wearing something you would go jogging in, or that was worn already twice this week.  Look through your closet and find something not flashy or dressy, but something you would wear on picture day. Try experimenting on outfits. For example, try a cute patterned top with colored jeans.
  2. Practice. This may sound astoundingly obvious, but after you find that perfect outfit, stand in front of your mirror at home and rehearse what you are going to say to them and how you are going to approach them. Something like "Hey (boy/girl's name) I was thinking..." Is not acceptable.  Think of something that was not done before, but avoid things like, "Pick you up at 7" because you are only in middle school.
  3. Be open. Talk to maybe your mom or dad about this special someone you like; it makes you feel terrible when you hide things.
  4. Schedule when you are going to ask that person out to a dance. Don't ask them out if you are not ready. Remember that they don't know that this is going to happen, so you are in no rush. Give yourself enough time to work it out.
  5. Groom. Take an extra long shower and if you are a girl, put nice flesh toned makeup on. No guy wants to walk into a girl that looks like lady gaga with their make-up. And for guys, do your hair nice and combed. No girl wants to see  a guy with messy wet hair. You should try being casual though, (again, don't go for fancy.)
  6. Approach them. Now that you have built up the courage to ask them out, and you have practiced, do it! Don't try to do it in front of a lot of people because of the slight chance that they will say "not now sorry" or something like that.
  7. Listen to what they have to say. Make sure you understood their answer. No one likes a person that walks away too early especially if they said yes!
  8. If you are not friends with his/her friends it might be best to rethink who you ask out. If you really want to, don't do it around their friends.


  • Make eye contact.
  • Make friends with him/her first.
  • Don't tell too many people.
  • Don't ask someone, then back out and say it was just a dare or bet.
  • Remember you are in middle school.
  • Don't rush into it.
  • Speak slowly.
  • Look for an alternate girlfriend/boyfriend if he or she says no.
  • If he says no, don't get too upset as there are plenty of other fish in the sea. It's not like you're gonna marry this guy- you're only in middle school, after all!
  • Going on an IRC Network and saying "anyone want me to be your babe" or "anyone want to be my babe" is not a good way to start a relationship.
  • Be yourself. Don't pretend to be nice, funny or caring. Just show the real you. If it happens that he/she likes you the same way, then that could only mean that you're building a good relationship with him/her.
  • If you are around other people, approach he/she casually and just talk. Don't make it into a big thing around your school or announce it.


  • You may come across the time for your first kiss.
  • Your girlfriend/boyfriend may turn you down.

Things You'll Need

  • Confidence
  • Humility

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