Ask a Girl to a Formal Event

Most guys out there have no idea there are good and bad ways to ask a girl to a formal social event. But there are some serious "do's" and "dont's" and if you'd like to hear them, read on.


  1. Find out what her answer might be before you ask her. Has she already been asked by someone else? Did she specifically mention that it would be fun to go with you? Whether she's actually told you she'd like to go with you (which sure makes things easier) or you tell your friend to ask his friend to ask her friend to ask her sister to ask her, or you even 'hypothetically' ask her yourself.
  2. Make sure you know what she will say. Think of the asking as merely letting her know that you'd like to go with her. This way, you'll be saved immense trouble - not to mention embarrassment - if she says no.
  3. Plan what you are going to do. Where? When? How? Who?
  4. Ask her to the event early.
    • It shows this is important to you and she'll be flattered;
    • Less time for her to say 'yes' to someone else;
    • She - and you - will have more time to plan an outfit;
    • Less time for you to fret she will turn you down;
    • Less time for her to fret that no one will ask her, resulting in her getting desperate and saying yes to anyone/asking someone herself; and
    • More time for you to show that you care about her.
  5. Let her know you are proud if it worked out for you. If you followed step #1 she should have said yes - be happy. Don't look at the ground and allow awkward silences! Smile. Stand up straight and look her in the eyes. You have the best date to the event ever, and she should know that!
  6. Get her flowers or chocolates, but not a bear. A single chocolate bar is better than a dozen corny jokes. Also, don't get her something she'll just be bothered by and want to throw away.
    • Just do it dude


  • Some girls want privacy - take her aside during homeroom and ask her quietly; some would be more flattered with your waltzing in in the middle of Biology and announcing to the teacher that you are here to ask her to go with you to the prom.
  • Unless you know it is absolutely what she would want, don't be casual or make jokes during this. You have countless other times for that. This should truly be a memory for her that is almost as happy as prom itself.
  • Incorporate insiders. Is there a special place? Special music? Memories you share?
  • Be sincere, not amazing. Sincerity is the key. If she knows you care, it'll make it all that much better. Be sweet, not cute.
  • Candles are also good, and roses, or maybe some other kind of elegant flower. Not daisies, unless they are special for the two of you.
  • Involve as many people as possible; this shows you put a lot of thought into it. Get friends to help. Go behind her back and use her friends to make it absolutely perfect.
  • Music is a great mood enhancer. Something without lyrics would be good, that doesn't encourage anything above slow dancing.
  • In the seduction community there is something called the three second rule. Upon approaching a girl within three seconds say something or do something to the girl. It helps with your confidence and will stop you from kidding yourself.
  • Whatever you do, do it with total confidence. Your attitude will inspire her, especially if you are alone. If you're not alone, also be confident; she'll have a better memory and her friends will be more impressed, friends can have a huge effect on what happens in the relationship.


  • Don't make it a joke unless you know that's what she'd want.
  • Don't joke at all about things like her being your last pick, or not really caring about her response, or either of you being ugly, fat, stupid, weird, etc. Even if you are sarcastic, it's best not to. Unless there is a specific insider about this.
  • Don't appear awkward or scared, though nervousness is somewhat ok. If, however, you are nervous, don't let it show to an extreme
  • Don't harp on it if she has to think about it.
  • Try not to let her know about it beforehand. If that were to happen, she would become either very excited and have time to prepare a good response, which would actually be nice, but she could instead get very anxious and start blushing from the beginning to the end or maybe avoid you, making it harder to pop the question.
  • Remember: go with romance and classiness over corniness and puns; simple, creative, or cute is not always what to go for. If you usually are not a daring person, go with something you know she'll like.
  • Is she really, really, really shy? Do it alone. Be sensitive.

Things You'll Need

  • A girl
  • Friends to help (optional)
  • Some money for gifts and flowers

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