Ask a Guy to Homecoming
Are you tired of sitting around and waiting for your dream guy to ask you to homecoming? Break tradition this year and do the asking yourself! Read this article to learn how to score a date to homecoming.
Making a Game Plan
- Determine whether or not he already has a date. This will save you a great deal of time and effort, and give you ample time to make other plans if necessary. Try asking around if you are unsure.
- If he has a girlfriend, then you can safely assume that he is going with her.
- Don't ask out a guy if he already has a date. It will reflect poorly on you if he says no, and be unfair to the other girl if he says yes and ditches his original date.
- If it turns out that he already has a date, then think of one or two other guys that you'd like to go with and ask them.
- If you can't find out whether he already has a date, then don't worry. Ask him out anyway.
- Decide how you want to ask him. If you're feeling confident and up to it, then ask him out in person. Otherwise, you can ask him via phone call, text message, email, or Facebook.
- If you're planning on asking out a friend or somebody you have been dating or otherwise romantically involved with, then consider coming up with a sweet, thoughtful way to ask, like leaving a note in his locker.
Doing the Asking
- Look your best. Wear something that makes you feel confident and beautiful on the inside, and you will appear confident and beautiful on the outside. If you plan on asking him out in the middle of the school day, then pop into the ladies bathroom to make sure that there's nothing in your teeth and that your hair is set.
- You should still try to look nice even if you are asking via phone or computer. Though it doesn't really matter what you wear, looking nice will at least help you feel more confident, even if he can't see you.
- Don't forget to smile! Not only does a woman look her best when she smiles, smiling will show him that you are interested in him and that you're a positive, fun person to be around.
- Regardless of who the guy is, everybody wants to be around happy, fun-loving people. Even if you're feeling self-conscious or nervous, force yourself to smile; chances are that you'll instantly feel more relaxed.
- Find the right time and place to ask him out. Don't try to ask him out when he is busy doing something else or seems to be in a rush to get somewhere. Consider asking him out during the school day, either during a break, at lunch, or in between classes.
- If he is with other people, then pull him aside so that you can talk privately. Asking him out in front of others could potentially be very embarrassing for one or both of you.
- Ease into the question. Whether you are asking in person or not, you should first greet him with a casual "Hey, how's it going?" before blurting out the question. Striking up a casual conversation will help you ease into the topic of homecoming. Plus, if homecoming is right around the corner, chances are that your conversation will naturally lead to the topic.
- Try to fit a reason, compliment, or incentive into your question. For example, tell him why you want to go with him: "I think it'd be really fun if we went together," or "I think you're really cute and I was wondering if you'd like to go to homecoming with me."
- If you have plans of any sort, like limousine service for the ride there or a pre-homecoming party with a group of friends, then let him know. These types of incentives will show him that he'll be in for an exciting night if he goes with you!
- Handle the answer graciously. Whether he says yes or no, you should try to maintain your composure and continue being friendly. If he by any chance says no, then let him know that there are no hard feelings. If he says yes, then make the necessary plans; decide who will pick up whom, tell him what color dress you will wear so that he can coordinate, etc.
- Remember that you don't have to have a formal date to homecoming. If you can't find a date that's suitable for you, then go with a group of friends instead! You'll still have an amazing time.
- For best results, ask out a guy who you are either friends with or who you know (or assume) is interested in you.
- Keep in mind that if he wants to go with you, he will probably want to go with you regardless of how you ask him. If he doesn't want to or can't go, then the answer will be no regardless of what you wear or how you ask. Don't over think it!
- Be sure to ask him out early on in the game, if possible, before he makes other plans.