Ask to Work from Home

Telecommuting is a great way to cut down on stress. You can be more productive at home and cut down on your commute time simultaneously. However, your boss may still need some convincing that it's appropriate for you and your position. Before talking to your boss, analyze your job, focusing on how well you could do your job at home. Then, create a formal proposal to take to your boss. After the conversation, take steps to prove that you can handle the responsibility.


Analyzing Your Job's Appropriateness for Working from Home

  1. List how you spend your time. Make a detailed list of what you do each day, including the time you're on the phone, when you're emailing, and the time you spend working with clients. You can even time yourself for a couple of days to see how much time you spend on each task each day.[1]
    • It can help to mark a percentage for each task. You can take an average over a week, especially if you don't do the same tasks every day.
    • For instance, maybe you spend fifty percent of your time on the phone, thirty percent of your time working on reports and spreadsheets, ten percent on emails, and ten percent in meetings.
  2. Divide the tasks. Decide which tasks would be easier to do at home, as well as which would be more difficult. Some tasks may be equal at home and in the office. Then, come up with solutions to make the tasks that are more difficult at home easier.[1]
    • For instance, if one problem is collaborating with coworkers, find good software that would still allow you to collaborate easily.
  3. Come up with examples of how you've shown responsibility. Another point that can bolster your case is bringing in examples from the past of how responsible you are. Good examples include being on time, not missing too many days of work, and hitting your deadlines. Also, any projects you showed self-initiative on may be helpful to bring up.
  4. Determine if you have the temperament. Not everyone has the right temperament for working from home. If you thrive on being around people, it may not be right for you. Similarly, working from home means you must create your own structure, which some people have difficulty with. You may decide that you won't do well working from home.[2]

Proposing Working from Home to Your Boss

  1. Create a formal proposal. A formal proposal shows that you take your work seriously. Write up the information you've collected about your job. Include information on what days you'd like to work from home, how you'll be available to your boss and coworkers, and how you plan to compensate for any tasks that are more difficult at home. Also, note how you plan to work the same (or similar) hours from home.[1]
    • When you go to talk to your boss, have the proposal in hand. You can say, "I'd like to talk to you about the possibility of telecommuting. I've written up a proposal about how I think this will work." Then you can lay out the basics of your proposal.
  2. Focus on how productive you can be. Most of the time, your boss isn't going to care about how working from home will make you happier. Even if they do care, they care more about how productive you can be at home. Make it a point to show your boss that you believe you can actually be more productive at home, away from the distractions of coworkers.[3]
    • For example, you could say, "I know one of your concerns will be productivity. However, I actually believe I will be more productive at home. Sometimes in the office, the noise is a distraction. At home, that won't be a problem, and I can focus more effectively on my work."
  3. Address your boss's concerns. Your boss is likely going to have some questions, particularly if you are one of the first employees to suggest telecommuting. Take some time to figure out solutions for each problem. It's best to think through as many solutions as you can before talking to your boss.[1]
    • For example, if your boss is worried about accountability, offer a way to maintain accountability by having weekly meetings over video chat or even in-office. You could also offer to write up weekly reports.
    • Talk to tech support to ensure you could have the same level of security that the office has, which will put your boss more at ease.
    • Discuss any special accommodations, such as setting up a VPN and whether you'll need to get a work computer for home (if you don't already have one).
  4. Get it in writing. It's best if you can get the agreement in writing. That way, if you get a new boss, you still have an agreement with the company to work from home. Even a set of emails will do in a pinch.[3]
  5. Accept a "no." If your boss does end up saying "no," accept it, and plan to revisit the idea in the future. Getting upset or sulking isn't going to help your case any. If you prove you're a hard worker who can handle responsibility, your boss is more likely to be lenient in the future.

Moving Forward after You Get a Decision

  1. Compromise. You may not be able to get your boss to agree to let you work from home full-time. However, you might be able to swing a day or two a week on a trial basis. If your boss is unwilling to give you the full-time nod, offer this up as alternative.[3]
    • You could say, "I understand you're hesitant to let me work at home full-time. What about if we tried a day or two a week on a trial basis?"
  2. Show your boss you can do it. Another option is to use a sick day to prove that you can work from home. When you're feeling lousy enough not to go into work, go ahead and take a sick day. However, spend the day getting as much work done as you can, proving to your boss that you can be productive at home.[4]
  3. Be productive. If you get a trial period, it's time to show your boss you can be just as productive at home as you are at work, if not more productive. Get all your work done before the deadlines, for instance, and try to increase your output over what you used to do in the office.[2]
  4. Come in as needed. Even if your boss agrees you can work from home, you'll likely still need to show up for some in-office meetings. Stay in the loop, and come in without being told to by your boss. That shows an initiative that will keep your boss happy.[2]

Sources and Citations