Become an At Home Writer

Do you dream of becoming a writer? Well, here are some tips to help you fulfill that dream, from the comforts of your own home! Read on:


  1. Commit to writing. Make a personal commitment to yourself to write everyday. Choose a specific area in your home where you will work. Next, decide when you are going to write; if you have a regular job, perhaps set aside from 7pm to 9pm each night for writing. Now, why do you want to write? Perhaps this is a path you have always wanted to follow as a past time or it may be a talent you have always wanted to develop in order to pay the bills someday.
  2. What are you going to write? You will have to choose the genre you want to write; non-fiction, comedy, horror, drama. Do you want to write a novel, poetry, short stories? Writing is a creative medium, and there are many ways to express yourself. If you are hoping to turn this into a full time career, you will want to research writer's markets. It is very rare for the first time writer to create a novel that shoots straight to the top of the bestseller's list. Though your main goal is to write a novel, you may have to start with writing book reviews, columns for select printed matter, that kind of thing. Basically, you are going to have to research the work that is available in order to make money; whatever it takes to start your writing portfolio.
  3. Form the habit; write daily. Once you have chosen the path you plan to follow for your writing, settle into your routine. Write daily, in your 'writing area', for the full time that you have allotted. Do not expect that every second will be spent pounding the keys in a flurry of inspiration. In the beginning, you should make yourself an outline of how your tale will progress. You will be considering your characters, the setting and the progression of your plot. Whether you are using a computer, or manually making notes, keep all of your ideas. Make a "Miscellaneous Ideas" folder. What may not seem useful today may inspire something great in a month or two.
  4. Never give up. If you seriously want to write, as a hobby, to see yourself get published in a local community newspaper, or as a bestselling author someday, then write. Do not stop. Do not let anyone stand in your way. For a writer, the instinct is in your blood; let nothing stand in your way.


  • Be strict with yourself. Writing from home takes commitment. Stick to your schedule. Do not let yourself get distracted. Shut off your telephone, the TV, and keep any background music turned low.
  • Be realistic with your writing schedule. If you are working eight hours a day outside the home, then schedule yourself three hours of writing per night, you may give up in frustration. That is 11 hours of the day accounted for, and that did not count driving to and from work, eating or sleeping. Be realistic.

Things You'll Need

  • A quiet place to work
  • Pencil
  • Notebook
  • Computer