Avoid Injury on a Skateboard

Often when you begin skateboarding, or try to learn a new trick you will mess up and fall. After a while many skateboarders learn how to fall correctly or avoid falling all together with special techniques. These are some examples on how to avoid falling and how to fall with the least bodily harm.


  1. Adjust your trucks to however you feel comfortable, especially when you first buy a new board. The most common mistake is to over tighten trucks. Loosen them up to the point where when you step on your skateboard it doesn't strain or make squeaky sounds (a spot of synthetic grease on the rubber bushings will improve this). Wiggle each truck to check that the wheels cannot touch the board during hard turns - this will cause a sudden stop. Softer wheels are better for cruising the streets, they give a lot of grip, but will distort on heavy landings. Harder wheels will distort less and create less friction with the ground, allowing more grip between your shoe and the deck, so harder wheels are more popular in mainstream skating.
  2. Don't go too far outside your comfort zone. A new skater attempting to switch 360-flip on a half-pipe is begging for an injury. Also, try whatever you like... but always be careful.
  3. If you lose control over your board, either jump off or stop.
  4. If you start falling off your board, there are a few immediate things you must do. These will come instinctively with time.
  5. Protect your head at all costs - preferably by using your arms.Owning a bike helmet or specialized skateboarding helmet is preferred for beginners. Especially if your brain is still developing.
  6. Do not extend your hands to try to prevent the fall. This has a tendency to cause long term wrist problems. Try to land on a body part that is most padded.
  7. Try to not land on your knees unless you're wearing knee pads.
  8. Attempt to roll or keep in a controlled falling motion instead of full forced impact. This will help prevent broken bones though it's no guarantee.
  9. After a few hard falls try moving on to something else. Each time you fall on the same body part the risk of serious injury is increased. Always remember this.


  • Try to land on both feet, land on one and it can twist and break.
  • Make sure the skating area is clear of obstructions such as little rocks. These may not look threatening but if you hit them going fast your wheels will stop and you won't!
  • If you're skating alone, always have a phone on you.
  • Never try anything out of your skill level, it can result in serious injuries.
  • Helmet, elbow, knee pads and wrist guards are extremely useful and prevent most injuries
  • And remember guys, better safe than sorry.
  • If you're skating alone, and you forgot your phone, scream as loud as possible. It could draw someones attention.
  • Always skate with multiple people. If something serious happens to one of you, there will always be someone who can call the Emergency Services.
  • Make sure you don't go on hills. If you are going too fast and you can't stop in time, you will get hurt.


  • Try to avoid hitting joints as often as possible.
  • Try to wear appropriate padding for the location skating. Helmets are strongly recommended for everyone.
  • When you fall, the three most important places to avoid getting hit are your head, spine, and knees.

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