Avoid Ruining Paint on a Car
Along with the performance of a car, the interior and exterior of it needs to be maintained for a longer lasting life.
- Wash and wax the car regularly. This is very important because e.g bird poo, dirt and grime can cause a reaction in your paint from the acids. This will overtime cause your paint to bubble up and cause rust and other imperfections.
- Follow specific step by step procedures a professional would do if you're painting your car a different color. Take your time to perfect the steps, or else you will end up with paint bubbles and blotches on your new paint coats.
- Sand the original paint off.
- Remove dings and dents by boggling and priming.
- Use proper car paint, whether its Matt, gloss, metallic, chrome, etc.
- Make sure all imperfections on the original paint disappear.
- Make sure to apply at least 1-2 undercoats and one finishing coat to your car to ensure life and quality.
- Deal to rust as soon as you spot it. You can prolong the life of rust using e.g WD-40 and rust removal products.
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