Ban an Artist on Pandora

Pandora is an Internet radio station users can personalize according to their tastes in artists, songs, and genres. When you visit Pandora's website at, you can type in the name of an artist or song you like listening to and the website will choose and play music that is similar to your tastes. In the event Pandora plays music from an artist you dislike, you have the option to ban the artist permanently from that station. Here are some steps to take to ban an artist on Pandora.


  1. Log in to your Pandora account. Visit to log in to your personal account using the email address you registered with along with your password, and click on "Sign In."
  2. Give a Thumbs Down rating to artists or songs you want to ban. The Thumbs Down rating is located in the lower left corner below the song title and album cover art. The Thumbs Down rating will prevent the song you ban from ever playing again on that station.
  3. Maintain consistency with Thumbs Down and Thumbs Up ratings. Make sure you don't confuse Pandora by giving Thumbs Up ratings to songs you do like by artists you don't like, because Pandora may continue to play more songs by that artist.
  4. Use your mobile device to ban an artist. The Pandora applications on the iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry devices all come with options to rate songs and artists with the Thumbs Down and Thumbs Up options.
  5. Edit your Thumbs Down or Thumbs Up ratings if you made a mistake. Touch the arrow in the upper left of the Now Playing screen. Touch the stations tab on the bottom, then touch the "Edit" button. Select the radio station you want to edit.
    • Press the red button in the form of a dash next to each song or artist you want to edit the Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down rating for.
  6. Ban specific songs by an artist. If you like just a few songs by an artist but dislike the majority of their songs, click on "Add Variety" below the name of the radio station and type in the name of that specific artist. This will allow you to give Thumbs Down ratings to all songs by an artist without Pandora banning the artist completely from the station.


  • Pandora will assess all of your Thumbs Down ratings and eventually learn not to play particular songs and artists over time.
  • Keep in mind that Thumbs Down ratings are limited to each specific radio station. For example, if you banned a certain song or artist on one station, you may have to do so if the song plays on another station.
  • If you ban a song by an artist you dislike, Pandora may still play the same song performed by a different artist.
  • For artists that have released several albums and many songs, you may need to give your radio station numerous Thumbs Down ratings for their songs until Pandora learns of your dislike for that artist.


  • Classical music composers cannot be removed from Pandora. Continue to give Thumbs Down ratings for each song selection you dislike.

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