Be a Better Baseball Hitter

Just be a better hitter on any type of baseball hitter. This article covers both slow or fast pitches.


  1. Just be calm. Take deep breaths and don't think about striking out.
  2. Dig into the batting box and get into your stance. Any stance you feel comfortable with.
  3. Don't be trying to figure what the pitcher is throwing. Just be calm. Just watch the pitchers hand and you can tell what he is going to throw at the plate.
  4. Watch the pitchers wind up and follow the ball with your eyes to try to detect what pitch he/she is throwing. (Exception: if the pitcher is tipping his pitches, pay attention and stay relaxed).
  5. Keep your weight back and swing.
  6. Don't move your head, keep it on the ball
  7. Make solid contact and you should be a good hitter
  8. If you want, go to the batting cages regularly. During season, go on weekends and days when there is no scheduled practice. Ask your coach(es) to accompany you to receive live feedback.
  9. Lift weights regularly(not for under 13-14). Don't max out though. Because you don't want to be injured for the season!
  10. When you put the ball in play, always run hard! This forces the defense to make a play and increases the chance of an error. Also you could stretch your singles into doubles as well as get more infield hits.
  11. Never slide into first, it has been proven that it is faster to over run a base then to slide into it.


  • Don't be afraid of the ball. If the ball is coming at you calmly move out of the way. If it hits you it should only hurt for seconds.
  • When you are running to first base, don't look at the ball. Just focus on the base.
  • Biggest way to make contact is to keep watching the ball. Never take your eyes off of it!If you do, your timing will be right but you will be right underneath it or swing just over the top of the ball.
  • Focus on making contact, power come later.
  • Remember to focus on the ball at all times.
  • Don't get mad if you keep missing, you play even worse if you do.
  • If you are nervous, step out of the box and take a deep breath
  • Remember-only the losers keep on thinking about one play they did wrong-only the winners think about the next one.
  • If the first two batters of the inning were out on the first pitch, then watch pitches until you get a strike.
  • Have fun.
  • Let the ball get deep in on your hands, if you want to hit to the opposite field
  • If you get hit, then ignore the pain and hustle down to first, there is a chance the first base coach will send you straight to second.
  • Try to hit the ball out in front of you, only if your a good pull hitter.
  • Don't try to figure the pitch unless he is tipping his pitches.
  • When you are up to bat try to bend your knees this will give your swing more power.
  • Always try to make an at-bat last 4 pitches or more.
  • If you are down 0-2, focus on making contact instead of hitting for power.
  • Shift your weight towards your back.
  • Be calm.


  • If you mess up, don't get disappointed. Just dig in and do it again.
  • Don't crash into the catcher when coming home, it could be a painful experience and you could get ejected from the game.

Things You'll Need

  • Bat
  • Batting helmet
  • Baseball Cleats
  • Baseball Pants (optional)

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