Be a Better Football (Soccer) Manager

Whether you play with colleagues, students, friends or family, tournament success can often be determined by the manager’s organizational skills. Here are some pointers on how to improve your performance in the dug-out.


  1. Create a central hub. Whether you’re ‘Wanderers’, ‘United’ or ‘Athletic’, you’ll probably have a geographical base as a common ground. With the demands of modern life, however, it’s not always as easy in practice to meet regularly when you’re not playing. Get online and start to utilize free networking.
  2. Fix your fixtures and follow up. Take the lead and be proactive when it comes to fixtures. If your players know when and where they are supposed to attend, then there’s really no excuse for not being present. It is, however, your job as a manager to make sure these dates, times and locations have reached them - so chase, chase and chase again!
  3. Foster team talk. Nurturing a great team is not just about the manager’s performance. As a manager, it is crucial that you process the feedback from your team. Make sure that you encourage post-match feedback and prompt your players to give their opinions on wins, losses or draws. Listen to your player and allow for their needs.
  4. Make your goals clear. Now, this is true in both senses. When your players score some praise-worthy goals ensure that they do get the praise they deserve, even if the match ended in defeat. Communicate your past scores and success clearly to your players, and set your objectives for the next fixture.
    • Discuss the opponent team thoroughly in front of the team and make everyone's responsibility clear to each team member.
    • Those with special authority in your team should be clear to all team members.
  5. Set yourself reminders. Don’t just assume that you’ll remember to contact all of your players on Wednesday afternoon, make sure that you make a note in your (paper or electronic) diary. As a manager, you will obviously have razor sharp wit and a keen eye for detail, but even the best of us get distracted by work, family or girlfriend issues. Set reminders and do them straight away.


  • Use an online manager application like Teambug. You can do all of the above as well as create your own website, use an interactive formation picker & put together team sheets.
  • The beautiful game is the most played in the world, with a reported 3.5 billion fans across Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. Whilst most of these players are quite literally in a different league to the likes of Kaka, Rooney and Ronaldo, good management of a football team can lead to great things whatever your level.

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