Be a Boy All Girls Want

It's obviously every boy's dream to be wanted by every girl. So here's some tips.


  1. Have Great Hygiene. Girls don't like boys with sweaty underarms or underarms with hair. You can also wear perfume that doesn't smell like soap or insect spray.
  2. Do Not Tease. It's not cool to tease a girl specially in crowded places. Try not to cross the line of joking, if you know her a bit, forget about dirty things to say.
  3. Do Not Wear Make up. Girls think it's a little girly that boys wear "visible" make up
  4. Have a Sense of Style. Wear stylish shirts with folded arms, jeans and pants. Try to keep your sense of style a reflection of you; It'll project confidence.
  5. Talk slowly and with confidence. Slow down and enunciate the best you can. Try to acquire as much charisma as possible, and be relaxed when participating in a conversation.
  6. Be popular and have many good friends to hang out with. This will show that you don't depend on one person, and that minor problems won't faze you. Being well-known around school and liked by most people will also boost your confidence and self esteem.
  7. Know what you want. Being confident and knowing what you want will show decisiveness and courage. Being completely focused on your goals and hobbies will make your time more valuable.
  8. If you like a girl, be straight forward and ask her out. She may like you and be waiting for you to make the first move. Showing the confidence to do this will increase your attractiveness.


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