Be a Creepy Girl

Do you want to be a creepy, doll-like, wicked girl whom everyone is freaked out by, but just can't get enough of? Then this article is for you.


  1. Listen to some creepy music for a bit of inspiration. Kerli is a perfect choice, especially her song Walking On Air, as long as other rebellious bands and singers. Kittie,Late Night Alumni, MCR, Panic! At The Disco and Evanescence are also great. The band Ghost Town is perfect for this because their universe revolves around creepy things, some of their songs include: You're So Creepy, Monster, Voodoo, Trick or Treat and Party in the Graveyard. Sad music is a must when you want to be all alone and reflect on the bad things about your life. If you want to take your musical taste a step further, try listening to Creature Feature (be warned, some of their songs are not for the light of heart, I'm talking murder and "lalala"s).
  2. Wear dark makeup. Black eyeliner, blue, lilac, or black eyeshadow, and thick volatilizing mascara for big, false-looking eye lashes. The look you're wanting to achieve is dead and doll-like. Wear foundation one shade lighter, and keep your face smooth with matte powder. Keep it clean as well, and as flawless as possible. A good diet can help with that as well as good facial products and soaps.
  3. Wear clothes such as skinny jeans, plaid mini skirts, and screen tees. Pink and black are great together. Stores like Hot Topic are best known for their Gothic and Emo attire. Don't go too bright and avoid most neon colors unless it's neon lime-green with black. Kerli is also a great inspiration for the fashion.
  4. Say stuff that doesn't make sense. Random stuff like "death is beautiful..." etc.
  5. Smile, but do not laugh at people's jokes. This also show people that they need to impress you to be noticed and their jokes, appreciated.
  6. Pretend you're not interested when others are talking. This shows people that they need to say something important to get your attention. This point will make people more interested in you and strive for your attention. Don't overdo it though! Some people might think that you're stuck up.
  7. Often just read a book or draw. Don't skip rope or go play football or something like that. If you're going swimming or ice skating, simply go around just floating or looking about. Playing on rafts or using a bar to skate aren't very clever ways to make people think you're all that mysterious.
  8. Decorate your room with stuffed animals (especially bunnies), pillows, and keep it dark. A lamp on low is good for this, so you can still have some light. Keep a vanilla or some sort of sweet scented candle lit, and potpourri as well. Keep a pet in your room with you. A cat, small dog, black hamster, lizards, etc.
  9. Keep books around, and read as often as possible. Horror stories are great, but never romance.
  10. Of course you must watch scary horror movies. It's even better if you can say random quotes from movies like "A Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Friday the 13th".
  11. Don't talk a lot about your opinions and feelings, except maybe to very close friends and family. Try not to let expression show on your face. If you aren't obvious about your emotions, you will seem even more creepy and mysterious.
  12. Don't watch TV too much. You can when you're alone. Watching TV may seem harmless enough, but if you get caught watching shows like Zoey 101 or Wizards of Waverly Place, people are going to think you're playing with them, which you are. But you don't want them to discover that!
  13. Dark people decorate their rooms to fit their inner darkness. Common themes of despair include red and black roses, scary pictures, skulls, candles, and any decent (not cheap looking) decorations designed for Halloween. Home made decor is not in the least bit scary so if you would like some real Gothic flair, go to a local farm and obtain some scary home decor pieces like goat skulls etc.
  14. If possible wear long sleeved shirts and black jeans, the more skin you're covering the better, depending on your preferences, you may also choose to wear a black short sleeved shirt and black jeans.
  15. Indulge your fascination with all things dark. This might mean researching dark or occult-related topics, picking up hobbies like writing dark music and poetry, or becoming nocturnal. Some good ideas to explore are magic, death, vampires, nighttime, spirituality and anything old.
  16. Act cynical, devoted and depressed. This means often saying dark things and acting like you're chained to your work. Some common lines are, "The glass is half empty," and "This is my only way to speak... Through my art." (Insert a little chuckle if you're trying to seem "Not-All-There".
  17. Act like people don't "get" you. If someone questions your motives, tell them that they don't "get it" or don't understand. You don't have to distance yourself from people, however. You can still be the black sheep in the group, just make sure people don't like you or they might start to "get" you.


  • If you're looking for bright hair dye, try Manic Panic.
  • Shoes like combat boots and Doc Martins are very 'Goth'.
  • You might be interested in some franchises like Emily the Strange or Skeleanimals. Emily the Strange has a lot to offer - books, diaries, clothes, etc. It has a low-key creepy quality to it, with it's only two colors being red and black.
  • If you like reading the book better than the movie then go ahead and read it.
  • You don't have to follow the crowd when going for the dark, creepy look. Be yourself and express your originality.
  • If you want to dye your hair black, go to a hairdresser who you are certain has had much experience with dying and highlighting hair. Ask for a reddish black or a brownish black; flat black will resemble a Halloween store wig.


  • Don't listen to a band you don't like just because they're Gothic. On the same note, don't limit yourself to just Gothic music. Just because your favorite artist is a pop or hip-hop artist, it doesn't mean you should stop listening to them! The hip-hop and rap scene has become increasingly popular in urban scenes and should not be discouraged. While it is often considered an aspect of rap culture, 'free-styling' and 'beat-boxing' have surfaced within Gothic culture. After all, while they may be different from the Gothic norm, they are both unique and expressive means of art from the human soul. Many Goths also enjoy listening to Opera and Classical music, especially ones with powerful female vocals.
  • Be prepared for some people to be shocked at your sudden dramatic change in your lifestyle.
  • Get permission from your parents before dyeing your hair (that is, if you want to).

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