Be a Cute Genius

Most of the time, people who happen to be very smart tend to have an issue balancing the ability to remain a genius while still being the hottest person in town. It isn't that hard to spend time on looking cute and still have all the time needed to be smart.


  1. Don't fear looking good. It's common to see a smart person radiating an "I don't care how I look, take me as I am" attitude. Unfortunately, that also suggests that you're bound to be stubborn and that you're committed to looking frumpy or unkempt. Flaunting what you have, both looks and smarts is actually a way of taking care of yourself and presenting the best you have to offer to the world, so taking a negative approach to looking good won't help your own cause. Being sexy and smart can make your life easier if you let it. Analyze the reasoning behind why you choose to present this front to the world and not make the most of your appearance. Some of the reasons may be:
    • You feel Look Rebellious. You'd like the world to accept you the way you are because you believe ridiculously high standards are set about beauty and that beauty is a way of being objectified. While there is a risk of objectification, it's not a good reason to eschew making the most of your appearance; rather, it's a reason to help show that a good looking person is also a smart person who refuses to tolerate labels and insinuations.
    • You believe that people will only love you for your intelligence. This is especially likely if you have been told how intelligent you are during your formative years, creating a self-awareness that intelligence is a key definer of who you are. This is especially common in praise-heavy parenting or mentoring that lacks a focus on praising effort and simply praises the trait of intelligence instead. Yes, you are intelligent but that isn't a reason to define yourself by this trait alone, thereby ignoring creating a more balanced and happier self.
    • You genuinely can't be bothered with all the fashion, beauty and personal care routines. It takes up time, costs money you'd rather spend elsewhere and it draws you into a world that doesn't interest you in the slightest and which, in some cases, you feel superior to. While it is not being suggested you turn yourself into a fashionista and spend your day reading airhead magazines, it is important to realize that it is possible to find a balance in creating a pleasant appearance that doesn't involve oodles of time and money.
  2. Improve your wardrobe. While you don't have to toss out everything you own, you do need to cast a critical eye over all those items that are letting down your appearance. Baggy, ripped, unclean, dark and dingy items don't deserve a place in your wardrobe. And if you like a certain item of clothing because you know it makes you look good and feel comfortable, focus on getting more of that type, to reduce the time investment needed to work out what to wear each day.
    • Match clothes a little more carefully. You could Organize Your Wardrobe Using Picasa to speed up things. One afternoon spend categorizing your wardrobe will pay off dividends in the future, especially if you update it regularly when purchasing new clothing. Use the online photos to make matching faster and easier (and a lot more like fun than a chore).
    • Try a few bold colors here and there to brighten up darker clothing. Even a simple but beautifully bright scarf or pashmina can lift an all-black outfit and make you feel good about yourself.
    • Buy within your favorite color range and style to keep down costs and time. When you know you're wearing what works for you, you won't find it a trial.
    • Consider tailored clothing. In reality, you only need a few really good items to set off all your clothes. Tailored jackets, dressy pants and a few decent skirts can lift all the other wardrobe items to stellar levels and you'll look amazing. And the beauty of tailored clothing is that it fits you and is unique. It's worth the initial investment; just be sure to get classic colors and cut and to use long-lasting fabrics.
  3. Be classy and considerate. A classy person uses good manners and thinks about others first. Don't act up like everybody else. Talk in a moderate tone, and don't talk unless necessary. Make sure everything you say has some sense of intelligence and thoughtfulness about it but be careful not to keep going on and on just because a topic happens to be your pet passion or peeve. Move about like you have a purpose and with a slight edginess to your strut. Don't forget to smile at appropriate times or else you'll risk being called a snob.
  4. Be nice all the time but be firm when you need to be. You're not a pushover but you're also not the iron maiden or Make a Thor Costume. Remember that being nice gets you places and people love someone who shows a genuine interest in them. By the same token though, don't overdo the niceness to the point of seeming nosy or cloying. You need to feel the nice vibe, not just pretend it and being nice helps to impress upon people that you're not stuck up about your beauty and smarts but that you're very approachable.
  5. Read widely. You may love reading enormous tomes of literature, science and math articles and lots of very complex things but these aren't all that life is about. While you're not expected to go out of your way to read fashion or entertainment information, try to keep abreast of some of the most popular news in these areas from time to time. You can do this by quickly glancing through websites, reading magazines and listening to radio, Search for a Podcast or the TV. Assuming that things are beneath you will often mean that you're not well versed in what the general population is thinking or creating memes about and that can be really alienating for your own development and sense of community belonging. Remember that you do not have to respond in the same manner as those who thrill to these things but having an understanding of what's interesting people and exciting them can help you to be more compassionate, attuned and involved in society.
    • Become a knowledge glutton. Read, listen, observe, and remember. The more information you can store in your mind, the more connections you can make. That does not necessarily mean you should spend most of your time reading. You can take an active approach to learning no matter what you are doing. Anyone can watch a cartoon and be none the wiser. A genius can watch a cartoon and think about what kind of animation is used, how the characters are developed, how the plot relates to real life, why the cartoon is popular, and practically Write a Dissertation discussing various facets of that single cartoon.
  6. Remain down-to-earth and relate to a wider variety of people. Not everyone is "smart", so cut down on those technical terms and complicated equations and phrases and save them for the right situations where they would be required. This also prevents you from sounding like you're trying to show off. Remember, there will definitely be more situations where you can appropriately prove how smart you are. Just don't force it. You just might turn people away from you because they might feel intimidated.
    • Also remember that while being IQ smart may be your thing, a lot of people have excellent emotional intelligence (EQ) and this is more important for getting ahead in the world through positive interactions and social- and self-awareness. If you lack EQ, be sure to improve it and to respect the EQ of others you meet through life. A person with good EQ will also sidestep any feelings of superiority or contempt toward others. See improve emotional intelligence for more ideas.
  7. Think differently and be strong. Every kind of genius is different and individual. And every kind of opinion (even if it sounds completely off-the-wall) has something true within it. If you are the first to think of something or the first to see an old problem in a new way, you will encounter many people who insist that you're an idiot, a fool or a dreamer. Expect this to happen but don't take it on board; if you truly believe in what you've realized, discovered or concluded, then keep following it through to its ultimate consequences and helping people understand it better. Remember, the broken record approach eventually works, provided you are persistent. Ironically, once your idea is successful or accepted, you'll be called a genius. Being a genius simply depends on how society's viewing things a the time and geniuses are often way ahead of social time.
  8. Lighten up and allow yourself the space to have fun. Remember, it's okay to set your serious persona aside once in a while. Use your sense of humor to provoke a shake-up in how things are always done and seen. For example, say something ridiculously crazy once in a while, as this breaks the whole routine of strictly calculated speech. And be sure to put away your extra brains and have safe fun occasionally. It's not like you will forget everything you know in just one night out! Socialize with more people and not just those who are just like you. Get involved in other things other than just your books, and research. Yes, it is okay to have fun once in a while and when you're laughing and smiling, you'll also be glowing with happiness.
  9. Have a sense of confidence. Of all things, your air of confidence speaks volumes about you. Confidence not only helps you in terms of how you're perceived by others, but it's also helpful to your academic and professional pursuits as well. Just make sure that your confidence does not turn into being overly confident in a way that starts making everyone around you feel intimidated.


  • If people who are older dismiss your efforts or ideas, think about it carefully, as they may be speaking from experience or wisdom that you're yet to gain. However, their criticism does not mean that they are right – you have only another point of view. And while you do not see the things they see with their life experience, you need to distinguish between constructive advice and stifling criticism.
  • Everyone is a genius in some kind because everyone is individual and has unique talents within. Not everyone uncovers what they're best at but you can help people to locate that part of themselves by praising it and asking to see more of that side of a person.
  • Learn about Bloom's Taxonomy. Bloom's Taxonomy is a breakdown of the six levels of thinking, from the lowest level to the highest. Can you challenge yourself to think about everything in your life at the deepest level? This can be a helpful way for you to explore social meaning in relation to your own life:
    • Knowledge: Accepting and believing a fact. Knowing 2 + 2 = 4, doesn't mean you know what 2 + 2 = 4 means.
    • Application: Knowing how to use the fact. You can determine that 2 cats plus 2 cats equals 4 cats. You don't know what 2 + 2 = 4 means, but you can apply it.
    • Comprehension: Understanding a fact: You understand the concept of addition and how 2 + 2 = 4.
    • Analysis: Breaking down information into its parts. 4 - 2 = 2 ; (1 + 1) + (1 + 1) = 2 + 2 = 4.
    • Synthesis: Creating something new. (2 + 2) + (2 + 2) = 4 + 4.
    • Evaluation: Discussion of the merits of 2 + 2 = 4.
  • Learn to take suggestions and criticisms in a positive way. Many things can be learned from intelligent people if you listen to them.
  • Read about geniuses, especially in the field(s) that interest you. What made Richard Feynman great? What about Thomas Edison?


  • Remember that some of the most recognized people of genius status today were considered simply crazy or loony during their lifetimes. Don't be discouraged if you seem to be the only one who thinks you are genius.

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