Be a Female Bodybuilder

Being a female bodybuilder isn't easy, but it can be incredibly rewarding. It usually involves a ton of commitment, self discipline, willpower, and a healthy dose of sweat.


  1. Find a gym. It may sound stupid but if you're not rich, building a home gym is a dream. So the first thing you'll do will be to find a gym. I like my gym open, light and with lots of free weights. I also enjoy when there's no distractions (TV's, children, etc.) it helps to focus.
  2. Find a coach. First time in a gym? Don't expect a skull-crushing-belly-smashing program to pop in your head. A coach, while preferably being attractive and healthy, can help you reach your dream shape in less time than you thought. Give it a try.
  3. Surround yourself with like minded people. This is the core principle of the Weight Watchers association. It worked for them, it will work for you.
  4. Take pictures. Your mirror is deceiving you. How? It only reflects you and not your PROGRESSION. A picture is much more realistic and shows progression since one month, two, three and so on. Take a picture at the beginning of each month, date them and compare them : you'll be surprised.
  5. Use a progression card. It may look like a boring homework but it's terrifyingly effective. You can't beat your last lift if there's no record of it! ;)
  6. Ask a musclebound hero. See that grunting, sweating, muscle-behemoth he-man in the back of the gym? The one moving earth-shattering dumbbells? Go talk to him. He's been in the iron game for years. Chances are that he can help you. *If he gets angry because you asked for help, ignore him. He's a jerk that can't help a comrade.
  7. EAT. Muscle mass can only increase if your caloric intake is greater than your caloric dispense. Focus on healthy foods. The paleo-diet works wonders. You'll strip fat and put on muscles like there's no tomorrow.
  8. TRAIN, and don't fear to lift heavy. Most woman fear lifting heavy weight thinking that they'll become too muscular. Well there's a reason why they can't : Testosterone. Men have about 20 to 30 more time testosterone than women. That's why they get angry easily, act recklessly, pack on muscle and grow a beard. Lifting heavy will shred more muscle fibers and induce quicker growth.
  9. SLEEP. Once you've lifted, your muscles will be sore and you'll feel like you've been hit by a truck. Relax. That's normal and happens to everyone, especially beginners and it's a proof that you had a productive workout. That soreness is what is called «Micro-tears», meaning that some of your muscle fibers were teared. When they heal, generally after a day to a week, they get bigger and stronger. That's your body responding to the stress of the workout you've put it through. The best way to heal these tears (and to ease the soreness) is to sleep it through.


    • Have a plan. Failing to plan is planing to fail.
    • Take pictures.
    • Be as strong as you want to be. Strong like a woman!
    • Pay attention to your nutrition.
    • Train diligently.
    • Sleep like a pro.


  • Don't do steroids. Seriously. If you do, you might end up looking like a man with an ugly wig.
  • Progression is the key. Don't rush it.

Things You'll Need

  • Discipline
  • Commitment
  • Willpower
  • Membership in a gym

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