Be a Good Looking Skater

For guys and girls: if you want to be a good looking skater, read this!


  1. Grow your hair out, Wear a hat most of the time, so that your hair will kind of fan out on the edges.
  2. Work out 3 times a week for at least 1hr to tone your body. Anything less than 3 times a week and there will be no real effect.
  3. Wear skate jeans.
  4. Dress in skate clothes like Quicksilver, Plan B, Zero, Fallen, Volcom, Black Label, Darkstar, Element, Zoo York, Almost, Blind, DC,and Active or any other skate brand clothes.
  5. Wear a white or black belt (it helps most of the time).
  6. Wear skate shoes.
  7. Carry, and ride your most important accessory, your skateboard.
  8. Something important is confidence, if you don't believe in yourself (looks/skating) chicks/dudes won't either.
  9. Wear shoes that are made by good companies like Circa, DC, Fallen, DVS, etnies, eS, Vans and Globes. Don't buy shoes with soft tips as they get torn up fast, buy ones with hard rubber ends.


  • Practice skating a lot and don't worry if you aren't as good as the other people in the park because everybody has to start somewhere
  • Don't get nervous, just skate like you would when no one is around. Who cares about reputation, or how you look, just skate and have fun.
  • Even if you are going to try a new ramp, don't ride down it on your skateboard on your ass because you will look like an idiot.
  • Don't care about what skate clothes you have or what shoes. Sure you need skate shoes and it helps show you are a skater if you wear "skate clothes" but you're a poser if you just talk about skate shoes and skate clothes. Talk about what trick you're trying to learn or what spot you found. Something relevant to skateboarding, not fashion.
  • No one likes a freak. Don't copy every trick that people in the park do.


  • You will be called a poser if you don't know what you're doing. Don't start skating just because you like the shoes or the clothes, that automatically makes you a poser.

Things You'll Need

  • A skateboard
  • A helmet(people will NOT call you a poser. It might look dumb but if you're doing some huge airs. You can't be too safe on those kind of stunts!
  • Pads (recommended)(same from the top)
  • Skate shoes
  • A local skate park
  • A local skate shop
  • Skater buddies (friends that like to skateboard with you,You will feel comfortable)
  • Confidence because without that you will never learn to try any new tricks

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