Be a Start up Dairy Processor

If you're sick of the big boys taking all the dairy profits, break free and form your own dairy processing company. This is a viable option if you do it with other dairy farmers in your neighborhood.


  1. Get together with a group of like-minded dairy farmers.
  2. Draw up a decent business plan. Pay for legal and accounting advice. It will be well worth it.
  3. Seek foreign investment. Sometimes investment at home is too tied up in the stranglehold dairy industry. Look abroad for new options that have energy and enthusiasm for your project.
  4. Develop a sound Make Your Name Into a Brand. One that customers know immediately means "local, low-priced and community-caring". It might even pay to make your market a buy-local one, to save on fuel costs and encourage regional loyalty to the brand.
  5. Lobby your government if dairy industry laws are permitting too much monopolization or prevent new starters. Look for government farming grants also.


  • Likely some of your group will have to run the end of the course on any contracts for milk supply with the big companies. Let them join but only participate when they are legally able.

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