Be a Summer Hottie

You've seen the magazine covers of beautiful women and chiseled men getting ready to flaunt their gorgeous bodies at a warm, sunny beach. But why should models have all the fun? You too, can get on the beach babe train – just follow these steps to start turning heads as unmistakable Summer Hottie!


  1. Apply the right makeup. Summer Hottie makeup should be light and fun. This is not the time to apply a full mask of makeup every morning. With rising temperatures and plenty of water activities, two key words in your makeup rotation in the summer should be sweat-proof and waterproof. Start off with a light tinted moisturizer in your skin tone. Look for one with SPF to protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays that can damage your skin. Apply a light brushing of bronzer to your cheeks. For eyes, apply a light wash of color over the eyelid in a summery shade that works with your skin tone. Finish off with two coats of waterproof mascara. For lips, a clear gloss is really all that you need. For nighttime, give yourself a little something extra with some waterproof eyeliner or a darker lip color. Though, to be super-safe, because mascara does smudge, even if it's waterproof, wear whatever eyeshadow you want, but then apply two coats of clear mascara. That gives them a boost and shine. They look naturally healthy. Then apply a lip balm with sun protection. Then over it apply a little lip gloss, not too much though or it looks tacky.
  2. Take care of your hair. Heat, humidity, harsh pool chemicals and salt water can wreak havoc on your hair during the summer months. Now is not the time to try to force your hair to hold a time-consuming style. Keep it natural and work with your natural hair type. Try a sea-salt spray for some beachy waves. High ponytails and braided pigtails look super cute during the summer months. Experiment and find the best styles for your hair. Give your hair a break from heat styling as much as possible. If you must use some heat on your hair, always protect it with some sort of styling product.
  3. Get tanned. Go to the beach, pool or even just your backyard and get a nice tan. Don't forget to wear sunscreen, because no one looks good with a sunburn. If you do get sunburn, rub on some aloe vera wherever it hurts. If the thought of skin cancer freaks you out but you still want to go for that bronzed look, try a moisturizer with skin darkening compounds such as Jergens Natural Glow.
  4. Exercise at least 30-60 minutes a day to get a healthy and toned body. Let's face it, you've been trying to get that tanned, toned body all year, but had no time to do it. Try to get a friend to exercise with you to make it more fun!
  5. Go shopping for some new clothes that are fitting for the summer. Who doesn't want to go out walking in their cutest clothes? Going with friends to get their opinions is a good idea too. Fill in all the basics and don't be afraid to throw in some trendy styles of the season. Black can still work for the summer but make sure you have lots of bright colors, and white too. Before going out shopping, though, check your closet for the staples of a great summer wardrobe. Depending on your personality, and what you like to wear, the basic summer wardrobe should include:
    • A pair of shorts
    • A few pairs of jeans for those chilly summer nights
    • Lots of cute tank tops in different colors
    • T-shirts in different colors
    • 2-3 cute sundresses to be used as a cover-up on the beach or for when you want to look cute out on the town
    • At least one flattering swimsuit that fits well
    • Hoodies for when it gets chilly out
    • Cardigans to layer over your tanks, tees, or dresses
    • A coat for those rainy days
    • A pair of the following: flip-flops, boots, tennis shoes
  6. Accessorize. Straw, shells, hemp, and other beachy trends look hot during the summer months.


  • Be perky and be sweet. Don't be scared to take risks and try new things.
  • Always remember to bring money.
  • Be nice to everybody. You never know if you'll meet any new friends.
  • Tanning is great, but don't be afraid to be pale.


  • Wear sunscreen. No one wants skin cancer.
  • When you're around a cute guy, try to stay cool so you don't look all sweaty.
  • Don't wear very revealing clothes.

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