Be a Vlogger

You have probably heard of "vlogging", or "video blogging" before. Many people like to make videos about interesting topics, their opinions and points of views or just recording their daily life. Let's take a closer look at the world of video blogging.


  1. Think of a topic to make vlogs about. It can be anything, as long as it's not boring, insulting, or illegal. Take other video bloggers as an inspiration, such as Casey Neistat, Katersoneseven, Charlieissocoollike, Nerimon, Frezned, Italktosnakes, or Vlogbrothers. But you have to be unique and true to yourself. Don't be a copycat - don't do what everyone else does.
  2. Get a YouTube account, and give your channel an attractive name. Make your channel interesting. Make sure you think over your username, though, because it's nearly impossible to make it big with a jumbled, unreadable username with a bunch of numbers!
  3. Make about ten or more really good videos. They really have to be good, and interesting. Post one or two daily for a little while, and then go daily or every other day after that. Really try not to skip two days, because what you give your viewers becomes their standard
  4. Post one of those videos to a related, well-known video as a video response. You will get at least a fifth of the views of the original video! Awesomeness TV on YouTube allows you to post video responses to their how to be a YouTube star series.
  5. Keep being active - nobody is going be interested if you don't post any videos for years also sometimes put your tittle of your video in CAPITALS to get people more interested. If possible, try to set a specified day that you will upload videos. For a vlogger, at least three or four times a week. If this is too much, try to do one per week.
  6. Edit your videos! This means the difference of viewers scrolling past you and clicking on your videos. Look at tutorials on using the software you have. Windows has Windows Movie Maker preinstalled, and all Apple products have iMovie available. Android has Movie Maker preinstalled.
  7. If you learn to edit, you can also set your banner, video thumbnail, and avatar. If you're a YouTube partner, a whole new world of options opens up for your videos. Setting an avatar is easy, but if you want a banner, you'll need to pick a picture and edit it within computer margins. If you're a YouTube partner, you can also have the option to create a custom video thumbnail. Make sure that, when you edit, you have text, a closeup of your face, and a really cool background.
  8. Once you have a good reputation in the YouTube community, try to become a YouTube partner. You will need to have at least a few thousand views to do so. YouTube gives you money for allowing ads to be displayed on your videos, and that's how great vloggers earn money with their videos! Your videos will appear often in search results as well.
  9. Communicate with your followers. Don't shut them out or ignore them. Take time to respond to comments, messages, and video responses you receive. This leaves a good impression and your followers will appreciate it.


  • If you haven't already, create a Twitter and Facebook page. These are a great way to interact with your followers and inform them of any new content you add. Plus, you can add pictures to share as well.
  • It generally isn't a good idea to post links to your content to areas where it may just be seen as spam. Try telling your friends to tell their friends about your content, and also try to build a relationship with someone before you post your content to them.
  • Don't worry if you're not gaining 100s of subscribers within a couple months. Every YouTube channel that is successful started where you are so just commit!


  • Don't jump into anything too quickly! You'll look pathetic or seem like a wannabe if you create a bunch of accounts and ask for subs and likes right off the bat. Wait until you get some subscribers first!