Be an Essex Grunge Girl

an Essex-grunge girl is a cross between an Essex girl and a grunge girl to make a woman who was born, risen and lives in Essex and spends her nights partying and her days jamming.


  1. Dress the part. An Essex grunge girl wears T-shirts of her favorite grunge bands [Pearl jam, Nirvana etc] and wears shorts or mini skirts to show off her legs. she may also where leather wrist bands and/or cheap jewelry.
  2. The make-up. An Essex-grunge girl has the stereotypical Essex girl look of eyeliner,heavy mascara and foundation[darker than your skin, but NEVER orange].
  3. Do your hair. an Essex-grunge girl's hair is usually only bushed or straightened, although sometimes she makes an effort of curling the tips or moving the parting line to the side. an Essex-grunge girls hair colour is usually platinum blonde/dark red/brown.
  4. Listen to music. an Essex-grunge girl's music is her life she usually listens to grunge/alternative [Soundgarden, Mudhoney, Nirvana] but she may sometimes listen to dance/pop [Kesha, Fergie]. An Essex-grunge girl plays a instrument the most common being guitar or drums.
  5. Don't fall into the stereotypes. Essex girls often are not orange, chavs.


  • Know the roots of grunge and try to search for other bands.
  • Join a grunge band with other Essex grungers.
  • Respect and follow the Essex way of life.
  • Add a dash of your personality to your Essex grunge girl look.

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