Be the One to Get a Girl at a Party

This applies more to 16-21 year olds that go to parties but never seem to be the ones that end up with a girl, this should offer some advice as to how to make the girls want to be with you.


  1. Dress well. Dressing like you are just going to see a film does not create a good first impression. Go all out, wear your nicest clothes so that you catch people's attention.
  2. Be fun to talk to. We all know that your friends don't like talking to you when you are miserable or are trying to act cool, so why would a girl? Make yourself interesting and more importantly, be funny, there are loads of interesting people but a girl will remember you if you made her laugh.
  3. Don't be afraid to meet new people. If you are at a party where there are people you don't know, do not sit with your friends and act like they aren't there, make yourself look sociable and if you start the conversation before your friends with the other people, even better!
  4. Try to notice if a girl is interested. The most common problem is that boys just miss when a girl is interested! If she keeps coming back and talking to you, if you are making physical contact (not necessarily sexual. Contact makes it clear that she thinks of you as a more important person at the party.) she is interested, just keep doing what you're doing!
  5. Don't get drunk! Although alcohol can give you confidence, having too much makes you act stupidly and ultimately makes girls think you are being an idiot and automatically lose interest.
  6. (Important) Don't go to Parties expecting to get with a girl. This will make you focus on it too much and you will appear desperate and too nervous. If it happens it happens, you cannot force it!
  7. Don't be too negative! If you are with a girl for most the night and then she wonders off with a friend somewhere don't assume that she just thinks you are a friend, she may just want to lead you away from everyone else. If you are sure she likes you feel free to go with her or go where she went. But if you are not sure find a reason to go, like you left something or can't find something.


  • Remember, you need to know what to do when you are in the intimate situation, getting there is only half the battle!
  • If there is a girl that you like there, her friends can be useful! Drop them a subtle hint that you like her and they may go and tell her, making your job simple!
  • If nothing happens at the party don't be disheartened, just try again at the next one, it will happen!
  • Be patient when doing this, don't just go to a different girl if they aren't showing any sign of wanting to do anything, there is always time!


  • Don't be too funny, you will come across as just a friend, sarcasm is good in those situations as you remain funny without coming across as a class clown type of person!
  • She may have a boyfriend, so be aware of that fact as you are attempting this.

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