Become a Business Process Analyst
Business process analysts review and examine business processes and systems, model data, organize activities and develop business strategies. Their primary responsibilities are to identify inefficiencies in a business's operations, then alter existing methods or establish new ones to limit or eliminate the identified issues. There are distinct educational and technical requirements for many business process analyst positions, but the work can be extremely fulfilling when you see your hard work benefiting the company you work for!
Determining if You Meet the Qualifications
- Assess your current skill level. In order to determine your readiness to become a business process analyst you will need to determine if your existing skill set and qualifications meet the position’s requirements.
- You must have strong analytical and communication skills to understand and resolve business problems.
- You will need to be extremely organized in order to maintain multiple projects at varying levels of completion.
- You will need to possess strong negotiation and technical skills.
- Determine if you meet the educational requirements. A bachelor’s degree is generally considered a requirement to pursue a career as a business process analyst. There are a number of degree programs that can lead to a career in process analysis, but a strong foundation in business and math are essential.
- Bachelor’s degree programs in business administration, economics, statistics and accounting are all great places to start.
- Other degree programs can also lead to a career in process analysis, especially after the completion of an additional business process analysis certification program.
- Consider completing a certification program. Even if you already possess a degree in a field that relates to business process analysis, it may be difficult to find a position without any specialized training. There are many certificate programs designed to aid those that have already completed a degree with transitioning into the business analysis field.
- Certificate programs can help you learn the specific aspects of day to day operations as a business process analyst and equip you with the tools you need to succeed.
- There are entry level, intermediate and advanced level certificate courses, allowing you to continue your formal education throughout your career and ensure you are always positioned to succeed.
- Some elements taught in certificate courses include learning how to conduct organizational readiness assessments, identify key performance indicators of your business, and how to establish and monitor performance metrics.
Finding a Position as a Business Process Analyst
- Identify the responsibilities of a business process analyst. In order to be successful as a business process analyst you will have to master a wide variety of tasks. You need to have a thorough understanding of the business you are in and how you conduct operations.
- You will need to be able to identify organizational issues that limit efficiency and devise data driven solutions for them.
- You will need to conduct statistical analyses of the operations within your business.
- Be prepared to devise new methods or to alter existing ones to improve efficiency.
- You may need to serve as the liaison between technical staff and managers.
- Be clear about the value you bring a business. Having a good business process analyst can significantly reduce expenses for a company through increasing the efficiency of operations. Processes are inherent to nearly every organization, and by streamlining those processes you can increase profitability and decrease costs.
- By identifying inefficiencies in existing processes and knowing how to measure their impact on production you can provide changes in methodology that can mean the difference between a business succeeding or failing.
- Identifying issues before they become significant presents an opportunity to save money before its spent on resolving problems once they arise.
- Identify if you are technically or business minded. Business process analysts usually bring value to their companies in one of two ways; some use their technical knowledge to analyze processes while others use their business expertise.
- Your educational background will help determine which methodology you employ. If you come from a technical background, your expertise can help you identify inefficiencies in technical processes individually.
- Business and finance oriented business process analysts tend to look at the bigger picture and identify unnecessary expenditures or ways to save money.
- Some companies require extremely specialized experience to serve as their business process analyst, others may prefer more generic business and financial training.
- Choose your industry. If you are already specialized within an industry thanks to previous work history or education, you may choose to pursue working as a business process analyst within that industry because of your experience. Otherwise, you will need to choose what type of industry interests you.
- Manufacturing facilities often seek business process analysts to help streamline their processes and reduce costs.
- Information Technology companies also often use business process analysts to aid in their manufacturing, service and operations planning.
- Apply to positions within companies you are interested in. You will need to develop a thorough understanding of all aspects of the company and its operations so it’s important that you have a passion for it.
Advancing Your Career
- Pursue a graduate degree. In order to advance in your career as a business process analyst you may need to continue your formal education. Many people choose to earn a master’s degree in a field that relates directly to their business or industry.
- Many companies prefer an MBA (Masters in Business Accounting) from their senior levels business process analysts.
- Other graduate programs may include Information Technology or Communications.
- Earn additional credentials. As a business process analyst, you will be expected to identify opportunities to reduce costs or increase the efficiency of common processes. There are many certificate and training programs that specialize in efficiency.
- Pursue Six Sigma training to learn more about improving operating processes.
- Non Six Sigma “lean” training is also available and offers a similar level of training in eliminating defects and inefficiencies from processes.
- Become a Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP). The International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) is an organization devoted to advancing the methodology of business process analysts. Their certification for professionals in among the most coveted in the industry.
- Earning your CBAP will make you much more competitive in the industry as well as providing you with access to the resources provided by the International Institute of Business Analysis.
- You must have already worked as a business process analyst for a few years before being eligible to pursue this certification.
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