Become a Contributing Writer

Wake up that lonely morning with the morning sun shining through your curtains... You sit up and gaze at the world with sad eyes; you sit and think about the current society and all it's flaws. Then you suddenly get the best idea of the century... You want to contribute something to this society of ours. And thankfully, thanks to the creators of web pages such as wikiHow, you can easily pass down your knowledge to those seeking it. For simplicity's sake, we will only discuss what the title suggests: how to be a "contributing" writer.


  1. Decide what you are going to write. This step is important because it gets you to focus and start researching your subject.
  2. Do a bit of background research. Or if you are confident you know your topic well you can probably skip this step, but it's usually best to make sure so you won't be getting people in trouble.
  3. Re-check your information over again to make sure you have everything correct. This is extremely important, because for important things such as how to save lives etc. The slightest typo could jeopardize the health of your reader. For subjects that are somewhat opinion based such as this article itself, you can place a bit less emphasis on this step.
  4. Start writing your article, book or any kind of media. Well you got to start somewhere!
  5. Check over your work before submitting it. Also if you are publishing to the Internet and the web page has a preview button, then make sure to use it. If you are submitting to an editor first then you can put a little less emphasis on this.
  6. Make sure you have used good grammar and spelling. Turning in poorly proofed copy with bad grammar and spelling will not sell an article. The editor will probably realize you are an amateur. Remember to triple check facts, spelling and grammar.


  • Try to improve on your writing skills.
  • Know your subjects well.
  • Learn to spell.
  • Learn grammar.
  • Make sure you spend your time reading books.
  • Try to write a lot of poems, or if not try get started in the habit of writing.
  • Read other author's book to get the idea of what it takes to be a writer


  • Be careful when writing articles based on religions, culture and etc.

Things You'll Need

  • Writing supplies

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