Become a Cute Punk

This article is for girls who want to borrow elements of punk for their style, but don't necessarily want to be all-out punk.


  1. Don't be "cute" or punk because you want to attract guys. Do it because YOU like it. Remember that punk rock girls can be cute, too.
  2. Don't be punk because you think it looks cool. Listen to punk music, have punk beliefs, go to punk rock shows. You don't have to be exclusively into punk, but if you don't honestly like it then don't be punk at all.
  3. Wear your hair however you feel like. If you go with a green mohawk, you can still look "cute" with a flowy, Lacey, girly dress. If you want soft cute-girl curls, you can wear combat boots or something to create striking juxtaposition. Dyeing your hair a color like pink or blue and keeping it soft CAN work, but be careful, you may end up looking kinda stupid.
  4. Buy clothes from a variety of places. Thrift stores often have pretty dresses and punk accessories. Hot topic is GREAT for looking punk,not only do they have hair flare which is barrette attached to a colored piece of hair that you can curl and straighten but they also have VERY cute bows.
  5. Wear cute things, punk things, and a mixture of the two. Like smoky eyes with pink glitter lipgloss and candy-colored sparkly eyeshadow with dark lips. Really, just go with anything you like.


  • Don't get obsessed with clothes, they don't actually matter that much. But they do make you look better.
  • Just be yourself. If you want to wear the slightly preppy shirt your mom bought you because it looks good, go for it. Pairing it with a hoody or purple hair or punky jewelry will still make you look punk- but it's about being who you want to be, not being a wannabe.

Things You'll Need

  • Some money, hopefully not a lot
  • The internet offers stellar inspiration if you just look

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