Become a Fashion Designer when You Are a Teen
It's obvious what you should do after you leave high school...but what can you do as a teen to prepare for a career in fashion design? It's not as hard as it seems and there are lots of ways that you can set yourself up for real success as a fashion designer. Don't expect to become the next Alexander McQueen overnight (fashion design is a competitive industry that takes a lot of hard work) but you can get there! Just see Step 1 below to get started.
- Come up with your own style. Write down your ideas, or draw sketches on paper, so that you have a better picture of it.
- If you have an idea for a design, sketch it! Paper and pencils are not difficult to find and it is better to do this before you forget. Modification is the biggest step.
- Carry a sketchbook around with you at all times. Pin in fabrics you like, label colors and fabrics you will want to use. Note down anything you find inspirational.
- Make a portfolio to hold your designs. You might need them later on.
- Learn about fashion! Keep up to date with the latest fashions by checking out books, subscribing to fashion magazines, checking fashion sites, etc. Learn how the business works.
- Spend some time digging through old and new fashion magazines; you can get some ideas and inspiration from previous designs. Look at sewing patterns and clothing catalogues too.
- See if you can take some lessons in your spare time about fashion, sewing or drawing. Search the web for fashion courses for 13 to 17 year olds at reputable fashion colleges and schools in the USA and Europe or in the Arabian Gulf.
- Learn how to use a sewing machine. To be a fashion designer you will need to have some experience in actually making clothes.
- Purchase fabric. Go through department stores and fabric shops hunting for fabric that you love that is not too expensive.
- Practice sewing and making Sewing Clothes. Try altering clothes you already have, and even making your own! Wearing your own designs will be one of the best ways for you to advertise. Here are a few simple projects that you can try out:
- Make an Umbrella Skirt
- Modify Your T Shirt
- Make a Summer Dress out of a Bedsheet
- Recycle an Old T Shirt Into a Sexy Bikini
- Make Easy Pants
- Turn an Oversized T Shirt Into a Hot Mini Dress
- Go through your mom's old stuff (if she doesn't mind!). If you see a shirt that has great sequins you can cut the sleeves off for example. Re-design those out of date items and make them fresh.
- Design a label for your clothing. Create a catchy logo that appeals to your target market.
- Advertise your clothing! Make sure that people know about your talents:
- Offer to design outfits or even prom dresses for your friends.
- Wear your creations to school every day.
- Partner up with a school club when they do a fund-raising sale and offer to donate some of your outfits to be sold.
- Look into opening a shop on, a site that hosts thousands of shops that sell hand made goods and that's compatible with teens.
- Start soliciting feedback from friends, family, and online fashion communities. A great way to get started is submitting your sketches and completed samples to fashion design competitions like,, and other sites you can find on Google.
- Maybe even start your own Create a Fashion Website for your fashions, or get a friend who is good with computers to help you do so.
- Start a YouTube channel to show off your latest clothes!
- Ask the teachers and administrators at your school to consider doing a Start a Fashion Show to raise money. Design your own creations and show them off! Wear your fashion and be your fashion.
- Ask your friends what they think of your designs and get their opinions. Ask them if you should add anything or remove anything to make your designs better.
- Have extreme passion, and drive to become a fashion designer. A lot of devotion, time, stress, and effort goes into becoming one; and it doesn't happen overnight. It's something you work at, and don't give up on. It has to be something you love and want to be and have success in.
- Always keep in control of yourself. If you get frustrated leave it alone for a day or two but come back to it with a new fresh mind and idea.
- Decorate your workspace with cutouts from magazines and pictures for inspiration.
- Draw inspiration from the world around you. The design on your pencil case, the shimmer water creates, etc.
- Don't get frustrated! Becoming a fashion designer doesn't happen overnight.
- If you are stuck on developing a style, try observing others' clothing styles. Try to find something that you think that most people would like. See what other fashion designers are working with, but some way always related by to your style.
- Always have a plan B job. Not many designers actually become famous.
- Design for fashion dolls like Barbie if you want. You can learn about tailoring and sewing on a miniature scale. Apprentices, such as would-be carpenters, used to make miniature pieces to show off their skills, why not revive the tradition?
- Don't be afraid. Just believe in yourself if you are committed to do it.
- For practice purpose always put your own sketch book with yourself because you never know when something or some idea came in to your mind and sketch the things you find as your inspiration and don't ever afraid if you make mistakes you must learn from them an go on and don't quit.
- Make your self comfortable as you can so you could do your hobby longer.
- Don't copy another fashion designer's ideas.
Things You'll Need
- fashion magazines
- sketchbook
- portfolio
- pencils or drawing equipment
- sewing machine
- mannequin (optional)
- fabrics
- sewing lessons (optional)
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