Become a Marketing Researcher

Market researchers or market research analysts look into a market to help a company sell a product or service. In order to become a market researcher, you have to have to a good education and the right skill set. With determination and hard work you can become a market research analyst.


Getting an Education

  1. Get a bachelor’s degree. The education requirements for becoming a market researcher can vary, but you need at least a bachelor’s degree. [1]
  2. Choose your major depending on your interests. To be a market researcher you can major in many fields. Common majors are marketing, economics, market research, math, statistics, and computer science. All of these majors use skills that are involved in market research. However, some of the best market researchers majored in social sciences such as psychology. This give them an advantage when it comes to consumer behavior. [2]
  3. Decide if you want to get a master’s degree. Benefits of this are being able to advance to top market research positions. Many schools offer graduate degrees in marketing research. However, many market researchers have degrees in different fields such as statistics, marketing, or business administration. [3]
  4. Get certification to show a level of professional competency. It is voluntary to be certified, but many market researchers get certified to be more hirable.
    • The Professional Researcher Certification (PRC) is offered by the Marketing Research Association.
    • You can qualify for this certification if you have the experience and knowledge necessary. You have to pass an exam, have worked at least 3 years in marketing research, and be a member of a professional organization.
    • In order to renew the certification you have to complete 20 hours of education in the industry every 2 years. [4]
  5. Build analytical and communication skills. In order to be a market research analyst, you need to have certain skills that will help you succeed.
    • Be able to understand data and information in large quantities. If you want to be a market researcher, you need to be able to analyze and comprehend data.
    • Have communication skills. Market researchers need to be able to present information to clients in a clear way so communication skills are necessary.
    • Be a critical thinker. You have to be able to understand information in order to decide the best strategy for the company.
    • Pay attention to detail. This is important for precise data analysis. You have to notice all the small details to avoid making mistakes. [5]

Getting a Job

  1. Get experience in jobs that use your necessary skills. Get internships or work in other jobs that require analyzing data, collecting data, and writing reports. [6]
  2. Create an impressive resume. Employers use your resume to get an immediate impression of if they want to hire you. Having a resume that stands out is crucial to get the job you want as a market researcher.
    • Make sure your summary grabs their attention. The Summary or Overview section is the first part of your resume. Make sure to include your most important qualifications right away at the top.
    • Keep your resume short. Your resume should only be 1 to 2 pages. If you are just starting your career it should not be more than one page. Only include your most recent and most relevant experience.
    • Focus on your achievements and skills. Include your best achievements in your career so far and be specific. Use achievements that demonstrate the skills that are important for market research.
    • Show your personality. Keep your resume professional but don’t be afraid to include hobbies or personal accomplishments that demonstrate skill. [7]
  3. Have a list of great references. Having past employers or respected professionals who can speak highly of you is crucial for getting a job.
    • Don’t have generic letters of recommendation. The hiring manager wants to be able to directly call or email a specific person who can describe your strengths and weaknesses.
    • Put your references on a separate paper. Give the list of references to the employer upon their request.
    • Choose people who can speak highly of you. Your references don’t have to be your previous direct supervisor if you don’t think they are the best option.
    • Ask their permission. Always ask someone if they can be your reference. Collect all of their contact information and make sure your references have a copy of your resume. [8]
  4. Be aware that the job title varies. Market researcher or market research analysts go by various titles depending on the industry. The same job might be called business intelligence analyst, marketing manager, survey researcher, or management analyst. [9]
  5. Consider changing your location. There are a large number of market research jobs in California and Washington, D.C. Consider being willing to move to another location to find the market research job that you want. [10]
  6. Have a great interview. The job interview is the first impression the hiring manager will have of you. It is important to succeed in the interview in order to get the job.
    • Look and act the part. Stand up straight and be confident. Have a firm handshake and make eye contact. Dress appropriately. Over dressing for an interview is better than under dressing. Make sure you are showered and look your best.
    • Listen and don’t talk too much. Pay attention to what the interviewer says and don’t ramble. Be prepared to answer the questions clearly, fully, and concisely. Ask the employer good and thoughtful questions.
    • Be professional and likable. It is important to be confident but don’t take it too far and become arrogant. Use appropriate language. Be enthusiastic but not desperate. [11]

Advancing in Your Career

  1. Get experience in the field. A small company that is quickly growing will have more hands on experience than a mature company. A well-established company will have important experience and job security. [12]
  2. Get noticed by the people who matter. It is important not to get lost in the crowd. In order to climb the corporate ladder, you need to stand out.
    • Get feedback from your employer. Don’t just wait for the annual review, ask your supervisor for feedback regularly. Use the criticism to improve and your efforts and ambition will be noticed.
    • Be willing to do extra work. Try to help your boss by volunteering to do extra work. You will stand out to your supervisor and they will be grateful because it will make them stand out to their supervisor. Make sure to complete all work on time, including the extra work.
    • Be involved in company activities. Even though it is not work, it is important to be social during work. Play on the company sports teams and go to the charity events. Do favors for other employees and be nice to everyone. This will make you likable and stand out more at the company. [13]
  3. Get a mentor to help guide you. This is someone who is willing to help and guide you throughout your career. They can help you get to know the right people, give you advice, and help you succeed. Having a good mentor can help with problems along the way and speed up the process of reaching your career goals. [14]
  4. Be patient about reaching the top. You may have to be at the bottom for a while, but be patient. Promotions never occur as quickly as we want them to. Be willing to change job locations if you feel you really need to in order to succeed. [15]


  • Search through job postings for market researcher positions to give you an idea of what to expect.
  • Be willing to start at the bottom and work your way up.

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