Become a Successful Student Athlete

Being a student athlete isn't easy. The amount of obstacles it takes to go through each day aren't easy to battle. Some tend to struggle but little changes in your lifestyle can make all the difference. Here are a few quick tips on how to become a successful student-athlete.


  1. Sleep for 8-10 hours every night. Sleep has many proven benefits that will help you. It helps with muscle recovery and provides your body with energy to do your sport. Not getting enough sleep can have a number of negative effects too.
  2. One of the most important things you need to do is hydrate. Most need about 3 liters of water a day. If you are thirsty, drink water instead of soda or juice. If dehydrated, you could cause harm to your body (cramps, etc.).
  3. As an athlete, you need to feed your body the food it needs to fuel your activities. Maintaining a healthy diet improves overall health, energy, and mood. Be sure to eat plenty of food throughout the day. Whole grains, fruits, and veggies are great food choices for athletes.
  4. Be sure to do plenty of stretching.It Prevents cramping and soreness, increases flexibility, improves motion in your joints, increase blood flow, and decrease feelings of stiffness. Be sure to gently stretch any sore muscles.
  5. Use time management. You need to set goals for yourself and stay focused. You can try creating a to-do list or aiming for certain grades. School and health needs to come first, or else you may not be able to play your sport at all.
  6. TO be a student-athlete, you need organization. For example, you can put all your classes' work in separate folders.You should use a planner or calendar to keep a schedule of all your classes and sport meets/games.
  7. Use communication! Talk with your coaches and listen to everything they say. Have weekly meeting with professors and coaches to stay on top of things. Utilize your teammates and ask them for help if needed. Don't force anyone to help you though, if they are busy, let them work and come back later.
  8. Utilize tutors and support at your school. If certain teachers have office hours, go talk to them then. If you're struggling, find a tutor to help you. Attend SI sessions held by your professor or choose a study hall period. Use this time to get your homework done. Take the time to actually sit down and learn your material, don't just read it but understand it. Have a plan going in, so you have goals to reach.
  9. Student-Athletes need to learn from failure. Know that it is okay to mess up and don't make the same mistake twice. Use the situation to only make you better and push forward.
  10. Keep yourself in good mental health. Use resources if you don't feel okay. Most campuses has a counseling service available. Reach out and get help from coaches, teammates, etc. It's okay to talk to people!
  11. Remember the big picture. Sports won't last forever, so put most of your focus on school. If you aren't doing well in school, you can't participate in athletics. It is a great opportunity, use it, and let it help you get to where you want to be.
