Become an Advanced English Speaker
If you're a non-English speaker, learning English and using it effectively can be big advantages in the work world. Truly achieving smooth, relaxed, and natural communication in English takes time and practice. In this article, you will learn some steps to take to hone your advanced English skills.
- Read English constantly. Read books whether they are fiction, like Harry Potter or non-fiction, academic articles are essential in this regard.
- You can read books prepared for your English level. Use, for example, Penguin Readers Books. These books start from easy and go to to intermediate level.
- Remember, it is not about how fast you read. It's on how well you understand what you read, of course in English.
- Watch English television. There are good choices such as news programs such as BBC Worlds which can be viewed in many parts of the world.
- While watching shows with words that you may not understand, use a notebook and pen to write the word as you think it's spelled, then find its correct spelling later and find out what the word means.
- Do not rely on subtitles in your native language when watching a TV series or movie. If subtitles are displayed in your language, you will not learn the English.
- Instead, select English subtitles, if available.
- Read out loud. In order to build both your written and spoken vocabulary, practice saying the words out loud
- Practice writing a lot. Spend some time in writing essays, article contributions, blogs, chat posts, etc.
- If writing such works seems a busy thing, try to write journal in English language.
- Communicate as much as possible in English. You will develop confidence in speaking English if you are comfortable to do so. Communicating in English can boost your confidence.
- Find a friend abroad. There are many possibilities to get to know such individuals online. BUT be careful when talking or getting friends with others in the internet.
- Make use of the dictionary or thesaurus. Have pocket dictionaries. Or if you find it nerdy when you bring dictionary, install dictionary and thesaurus apps on your phone.
- Learn the phonetic notation used in your dictionary. Preferably learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) phonetic notation. The IPA is a set of symbols that represent sounds of letters in English. Be familiar with IPA so that when you don't know the pronunciation of a word, it will be easy for you how to pronounce it.
- Be relaxed and confident when speaking English.
- Don't be shy and don't be afraid to make mistakes. If you are not sure about your English, don't hesitate to ask someone if your English is wrong.
- Strive to build English vocabulary at the highest level. Otherwise, you will remain an average English speaker.
- Listen carefully. Listen whenever English is spoken and in the language arts. This will improve your speaking skills.
- Interact with people in person and in chat rooms. This practice is very beneficial.
- Practice using natural English instead of finding the English equivalents from your mother tongue.
- Grammar is not only about sentence/verb formations. You should understand the implied meaning associated with the grammar used.
- Do not be afraid to read the dictionary to increase your vocabulary.
- Use an English dictionary instead of a bilingual dictionary (as you progress).
- Find a friend with whom you can practice English.
- Pay attention to how native speakers pronounce words, so that you can improve your pronunciation as well. Good pronunciation is very important for people to understand you.
- For effective learning and fluency, it is also necessary that you must try to think in English.
- Grammar is very important. Lay yourself a good grammar foundation and your English will improve exponentially. Nevertheless, don't get bogged down and held back by grammar rules. You want to speak the language, not learn how it's spoken.
- Be careful of a dictionary's definition of synonyms. There are no two completely synonymous words in English. Car and automobile are said to be synonymous, but telling your English friend that you have an automobile instead of a car is unusual.
- For speech to occur, your mind must be actively involved in syntax development. The more actively your mind is involved in spoken English, the more effective the learning process becomes.
- If you learn English at school, then be as engaged as you can in those lessons, and always only speak English (if you can) there.
- There are many sites to improve speaking in English, e.g., Wetalke Club or English Club
- Read this article for learning comprehensive steps to be more fluent especially in English.
- Use the translation in English not on your own language for example Merriam Webster you can define words only by tapping in each sentence and it help practice with pronunciation.
- Words should not only be learned by dictionary in an isolated way. Adding context to the word usage will do great benefits for enhancing one's vocabulary. Visualize and pronounce the new word while learning.
- Don't say "I can't do it." As long as you study English, words and phrases will be printed unconsciously into your mind.
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