Be a Harry Potter Fan
Harry Potter is a series of books written by J.K. Rowling that have been made into hugely popular movies over the last few years. The complete collection consists of seven magical stories. Harry Potter has started small and finished massively, so it's understandable to want to be a fan. But there's no point being a fan unless you're a true one. Not sure where to start? Don't sweat it! This article will help you become a true Harry Potter fan...
- Read all of the books multiple times. Don't borrow them from a library - buy them. It is essential to own the series. Read all of the books from 1 to 7 + Cursed Child and the textbooks. Be sure not to skip paragraphs, this is a common method of reading, but with Harry Potter, you might miss out on major plot details, or just interesting pieces. Make sure you read the information on the cover, as you'll learn all sorts of interesting facts by doing so. Get autographs from J.K. Rowling or the cast of Harry Potter.
- Buy the movies. The series is usually sold in special packs, but you can also purchase the movies individually. Try to get your hands on the special editions - they have extra discs in which you can view cast interviews and other exciting features. Make sure you are comfortably familiar with all of the movies.
- Pick a favorite movie and book, remember key details of that book (or movie).
- Join a fan site! This is a great place to talk with other people about Harry Potter! You could join and read Mugglenet, the Harry Potter wiki, or even attend LeakyCon! J.K. Rowling has also, with the help of Sony, created an official Harry Potter fan/game site for Harry Potter called Pottermore.
- Watch AVPM (A Very Potter Musical), AVPS (A Very Potter Sequel) and AVPSY (A Very Potter Senior Year) on YouTube. They are both musicals performed by a very funny and extremely talented acting troupe, called Team Starkid. Though they do combine many plot details together, they are extremely funny and popular among Potterheads.
- Remember the names of all the characters. This is extremely important. You can't call yourself a Harry Potter fan if you don't remember their names, even if they only appeared once in the books or the movies.
- Purchase the merchandise, and share the love! Stick Harry Potter posters up in your room - they aren't hard to find. You can also cut magazine and newspaper clippings out and make a collage. Try to get a Harry Potter desktop wallpaper, and as many Harry Potter products as you can - though pricey, there's a wide range and they are very worth it.
- Write to the stars of the movies. Get your hands on the actors' addresses and write them fan mail - tell them how much you love them and how awesome you think they are. Try to be charming and polite, and you may be lucky enough to get a reply.
- Research. Get all the information you can! The Harry Potter series is hugely famous, so you won't have too much trouble. Look it up on Wikipedia, or, better yet, go to the Harry Potter Wiki, a wiki that literally has everything about Harry Potter. and spend some quality time on the the official movie site, JK Rowling's website, and fansites. Try listening to podcasts or reading other books about Harry Potter, such as "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", "Quidditch Through the Ages", or "The Tales of Beedle the Bard". Now that all the books have come out learn how to survive.
- Compare the books to the movies constantly while watching. The movies may not be as good as the books, but they are important to Harry Potter culture. You should watch them all, again, preferably in order. Try to watch them more than once, as to really take in all the information. Avidly follow the progress of each movie.
- Write some fanfiction. If you you were just a tad bit disappointed with how any of the the books or movies ended, create your own happy ever after! The possibilities are endless. Join popular fanfiction websites and read, and try a dab hand at writing your own unique ending.
- Imitate your favorite character(s). You can choose one, acting like them and quoting them randomly, or adopt multiple characteristics.
- Harry Potter
- Dress Like Ron Weasley from Harry Potter
- Hermione Granger
- Luna Lovegood
- Fleur Delacour
- Look Like Rita Skeeter from Harry Potter
- Ginny Weasley
- Fred and George
- Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, at Universal Studios Orlando or The Harry Potter Studio Tour. It is a great experience, and you can see inside the castle and really feel like you are in Hogwarts.
- Stay dedicated! Stick up for Harry Potter when no one else will. Defend the books and movies, as there will people who oppose them. Do so respectfully, however. Never stop being involved in the Harry Potter fandom, and never be ashamed to call yourself a Potterhead!
- Memorize the Weasley family tree (you can find it online).
- If you'd like to exercise and be a fan at the same time try playing Quidditch.
- Don't be disappointed if you don't get a reply to a fan mail letter. Actors and actresses receive hundreds of fan letters each day, and it's difficult to reply to everyone.
- Re-read the series often to refresh your mind. You can also watch the books come to life by re-watching the movies.
- Try out some Harry Potter podcasts, such as PotterCast and MuggleCast (both free on iTunes)
- Watch Neil Cicierega's Potter Puppet Pals videos. Though not necessarily accurate portrayals of the Potter characters, Cicierega's videos are commonly watched among potterheads and are quite humorous.
- Watch Starkid's theatrical parodies of Harry Potter called "A Very Potter Musical" and "A Very Potter Sequel." They're easily found on YouTube, all you have to do is look it up. Don't worry, they don't bash the series. The actors are actually fans!
- If people don't agree with your views on Harry Potter, accept it and move on. Do not Try to force it on them.
- Try to know lots of Harry Potter trivia in general. There is a Harry Potter board game you can play as well as Harry Potter hangman to increase your skills. For example: Do you know Dumbledore's full name? It's Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
- Make a Harry Potter fan club with your best buds.
- Always talk about Harry Potter, read all the books, and watch all the movies.
- Some people may tease you, but they don't even know what they're missing. Remember that their unkindness most likely stems from ignorance.
- Don't pester your Survive Being Friends With Non Harry Potter Fans (for the Hopelessly Obsessed) too much. If one of them or an acquaintance bashes Harry Potter try not to start an argument.
- Don't get too obsessed because your grades(or job performance) may suffer.
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Sources and Citations
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- Act Like Fleur Delacour From Harry Potter
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